Pitch-to-MIDI Converter By Andrew Rogers and Scott Stroupe
Design Strategy The project is broken down into the following three components: A/D Audio Interface Fast-Fourier Transform Algorithm MIDI Output Interface
Design Unknowns A/D sample rate, size, and quality Sample buffering FFT algorithm details MIDI communication details
Hardware Requirements Xilinx XS40-10XL FPGA Xilinx XStend board w/audio codec hardware Atmel 8051 Controller w/20K flash ROM 5-pin DIN (MIDI-out) socket Audio input device MIDI controlled synthesizer
Project Layout
(Tentative) Schedule Week 3 - Acquire and test XStend board and audio hardware. Week 4 - Prepare FFT algorithm for FPGA. Test audio hardware. Week 5 - Put FFT algorithm in FPGA (Verilog). Interface audio hardware and FPGA. Week 6 - FFT work continues. Prepare MIDI output interface. Week 7 - Yet more FFT work. Put MIDI output interface into Controller. Week 8 - Test completed unit, consider functionality and performance enhancements. Week 9 - Implement functionality extensions. Wrap up project. Week 10 - Complete documentation.