Marc Cote BME 181 Section 2 3/25/13 ARTIFICIAL SKIN
ANATOMY OF SKIN Largest organ of human body 2 layers Epidermis (outer layer) Dermis (inner layer)
WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL SKIN? Synthetic (laboratory produced) substitute for human skin Effective replacement to skin graph Used for treatment of victims with severe burns skin cancer skin diseases serious wounds
FIRST SYNTHETIC SKIN Invented by John Burke (Massachusetts General Hospital) and Ioannis V. Yannas (MIT) Cambridge, Massachusetts Created polymer composed of collagen fibers and sugar molecule Formed material that resembled skin
SILASTIC Skin product Burke and Yannas created Polymer membrane (dermis) and silicone protective layer (epidermis) Frame for new skin tissue and blood vessels to grow First used on patient in 1979 Woman had burns over half her body 3 weeks later woman new skin was growing quickly same color as unburned skin
GRAFTSKIN Howard Green professor at Harvard University was culturing skin cells Grew sheet of human epidermis cells Collagen with patients dermal cells placed for growth On top of collagen layer is cultured human skin cells In clinical trials (yet to be rejected) Stapled or sutured onto the body during surgery
EPIDERMAL ELECTRONICS Currently being researched at Stanford University Circuits attached to the skin Self-healing polymers Potentially allow prosthetic patient to have sensory feeling in artificial limb