Energy Systems
Energy Systems for Exercise
Energy Systems Immediate energy ATP-PC Short-term energy Lactic acid system Long-term energy Aerobic system
ATP-PCr System ultra-short duration (< 6 seconds) high intensity require an immediate and rapid supply of energy 100-m sprint 25-m swim Smashing a tennis serve Thrusting a heavy weight upwards
Lactic Acid System During performances of short duration and high intensity that require rapid energy transfer that exceeds that supplied by phosphagens 400-m sprint 100-m swim Multi-sprint sports Anything up to 3 minutes Lactate is the by product “Lactic acid system’
Lactate Shuttling Pyruvate Acetyl CoA Citric acid cycle Oxidation = removal + energy
Lactic Acid System Blood lactate removal Gluconeogenesis- conversion to glucose through Cori cycle in the liver Oxidation to pyruvate Fuels citric acid cycle
Lactate Threshold The exercise intensity prior to the abrupt increase in blood lactate A.k.a onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)
Lactate / Lactic Acid Terms: LACTATE AND LACTIC ACID Lactate production and accumulation in muscle coincides with, rather than causing acidosis DOMS incorrectly attributed to lactate build- up Caused by damage to muscles not the pain from damaged muscle cells, but from the reinforcement process- adding new sarcomeres (the segments in the muscle fibrils) sarcomeres reinforcement process causes the cells to swell and put pressure on nerves and arteries, causing DOMS.
Aerobic Energy System Duration > 2/3 minutes Lipids Lipolysis Beta oxidation Kreb’s cycle Carbs Glycolysis Pyruvate Acetyl CoA Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle) Electron transport chain
Energy requirements at rest Almost 100% energy comes from aerobic metabolism Therefore blood lactate levels are steady and low (<1.0 millimoles p/L) 7- kg young adult consumes 0.25 L O2 p/min
Transition to Exercise O2 consumption
Recovery O2 consumption remains elevated O2 Dept = payment for O2 deficit
Vo2 Max Determines cardiovascular fitness O2 uptake increases with intensity of exercise up until a certain point ml/kg/minute Factors influencing: Delivery uptake
Muscle Fibre Types Type 1 = Slow twitch Generates energy aerobically For endurance exercise Type 2 = fast twitch 2a- some aerobic power = anaerobic 2b-predominantly anaerobic Generates energy anaerobically For short intense exercise
Recovery from exercise Remove lactate Re-oxygenation muscle myoglobin Replace Muscle glycogen PCr Lipid levels
Active recovery Movement at a lower intensity/ submax performed immediately after exercise Assists with oxidation of lactate (Lactate shuttling) But may impair glycogen synthesis
Passive recovery Lie down complete inactivity Theory is that this ‘frees’ oxygen for the recovery process
Which is best? Research inconclusive Depends on exercise to recover from Steady rate exercise PCr stores not depleted Lactate levels not increased Depends on post exercise glucose intake Intense/Non-Steady rate exercise Large O2 deficit
Lactate Removal ExerciseRecovery Passive Active Passive
Training the Energy Systems
Training the ATP-PC system 4 to 7 seconds of high intensity work at near peak velocity are required e.g. 3 × 10 × 30 metres with recovery of 30 seconds/repetition and 5 minutes/set. 15 × 60 metres with 60 seconds recovery 20 × 20 metres shuttle runs with 45 seconds recovery
Training the anaerobic lactate system 5 to 8 × 300 metres fast - 45 seconds recovery - until pace significantly slows 150 metre intervals at 400 metre pace - 20 seconds recovery - until pace significantly slows 8 × 300 metres - 3 minutes recovery (lactate recovery training)
Training aerobic systems 4 to 6 × 2 to 5 minute runs - 2 to 5 minutes recovery 20 × 200m - 30 seconds recovery 10 × 400m - 60 to 90 seconds recovery 5 to 10 kilometre runs
Chronic Adaptations to Training
Summary Immediate energy ATP-PC Short-term energy Lactic acid system Long-term energy Aerobic system Dynamic balance Training Recovery