The stuff of life
Introduction Though we might seem different, we are actually 99.9% the same, this is what makes us homosapians, the other 0.1% is what makes us who we are. We have 46 chromosomes, we acquire 23 from each parent.
Interviews with students What is deoxyribonucleic acid ? What makes you who you are ? Is DNA alive or dead? To what extent does our DNA vary ?
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Chromosomes Chromosomes carry the instructions necessary to make and maintain the living organism and are made up of long strands of DNA. For more than 80 years world scientists were working, to understand the structure of this remarkable molecule. Between 1869 and 1892 the Swiss scientist Miescher discovered the material nuclien and he thought it was the agent behind the heredity/ 50 years later scientist called this material DNA.
DNA discovery In the beginning of the 20 th century, Mendel's law of heredity was rediscovered and Morgan started experimenting on the fruit fly. After 6 years of experimentation, he obtained a sudden and repeatable mutation. Proving that chromosomes were responsible for heredity. In 1933, Morgan received Nobel prize.
Contin… Oswald Avery and his colleagues, after 15 years of work, succeeded to change an innocuous strain of bacteria into a permanently infectious strain by crossing it with an alien DNA. We now know that DNA is the agent of heredity.
Linus Pauling Was a pioneer in X-Ray crystallography. Won a Nobel prize for his achievements in the field of chemistry and was convinced that the structure of DNA was to triple helical.
Act Out 4 characters contributed to the understanding of the DNA architecture; Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, Francis Crick, and James Watson. Rosalind Franklin produced the best X- Ray picture, however did not know what it meant. Crick and Watson produced the best chemistry model of the double helix.
Watson and Crick
Rosalind Franklin
Nature magazine In April 1953, the 25 th edition of nature published two articles on the same topic, which was a first. First was for Watson and Crick; the structure of DNA. Second was Wilkins and Franklin In 1962, Wilkins, Crick, and Watson shared a noble prize. While Franklin passed away 4 years before the prize. And did not share the prize because it is not distributed postmortem.
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Application of DNA Explanation of forensic lab for DNA testing through fingerprints, saliva, hair, semen, blood, skin cells, or sweat and how they do it.
conclusion We will surprise you! =)