Day 4 Open Court Phonics and Fluency Blending and Developing Oral Language
off puff stuff stiff fizz kiss boss fuss grass glass jazz dress grill spill spell smell sell well off puff stuff stiff jazz fizz kiss boss fuss grass glass dress well sell smell spell spill grill
s i ck s o p e p a qu a ck qu i ck sick sock peck pack quack quick ck
lock blockblack rack truck lock block black rack track truck track ck
muf finfin kit tenten com ment ham mock plan etet muf fin drag onon kit ten com ment ham mock plan et drag on muffin comment dragon planet kitten hammock
Sentences “Who quotation marks “ “ willselltwobrickstoday?” said Jeff. The words inside the quotation marks are spoken.
contractions You’llspillfulla glass where theysit. A contraction is a shortened form of two words in which an apostrophe replaces missing letters. You will A contraction is a shortened form of two words in which an apostrophe replaces missing letters.
off puff stuff stiff jazz fizz kiss boss fuss grass glass dress well sell smell spell spill grill sick sock peck pack quack quick lock block black rack track truck muffin kitten comment hammock dragon planet Developing Oral Language