GIS in Prevention, Custom Report For the Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant Governor’s Advisory Council Indiana Prevention Resource Center June 8, 2009 Data Highlights for Indiana’s Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos 2008 estimates, 2009 The Indiana Prevention Resource Center is funded, in part, by a contract with the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, financially supported through HHS/Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant. The IPRC is operated by the Indiana University Department of Applied Health Science and School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. It is affiliated with the Department's Institute of Drug Abuse Prevention.
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report The statistics contained in this report are demographic estimates from Claritas™, 2008 Updates, 2009.
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Percent Blacks/African Americans Cohort 1 Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%) Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas ™, 2008 Updates,
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Number of Blacks/African Americans Cohort 1 Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, , ,025 5,190 41,061 7,627 3,470 3,931 32,084 4, ,338 Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%) 52
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Percent Blacks/African Americans Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention Resource Center Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%) Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Number of Blacks/African Americans Cohort 2 Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, , ,022 10, , ,340 Total Populations: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Black Population of: US: 37,812,661 (12.43%) Indiana: 565,695 (8.9%)
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Blacks: Percent (2008 est.) Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort (2) 0.2
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Blacks: Number (2008 est.) Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 1 (2) , ,025 5,190 41,061 7,627 3,470 3,931 32,084 4, ,338 52
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Blacks: Percent (2008 est.) Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Blacks: Numbers (2008 est.) Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort , ,022 10, ,711 11,340
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Percent of Blacks/African Americans Indiana Prevention Resource Center Rank by Percent (est.) CountyBlack or African American Alone (Percent. est.) Black or African American Alone (Number, est.) 1Marion ,025 2Lake ,338 3St. Joseph1232,084 4Allen11.741,061 5LaPorte10.211,340 6Vanderburgh8.615,022 7Madison8.110,615 8Clark7.17,501 9Grant74,796 10Howard6.85,760 11Delaware6.77,627 12Vigo66,178 13Elkhart5.411,012 14Wayne5.13,470 15Floyd5.13,711 16Sullivan Hendricks4.25,775 18Hamilton3.79,808 19Tippecanoe3.35,190 20Monroe3.23,931 21Miami3.11,082 22Putnam31,099 23Porter2.54,050 24Parke Hancock2.31,538 26Gibson Perry Knox Bartholomew21, counties have 2% or more Black residents; 22, 3% of more; 15, 5% or more; 5, 10% or more. Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%) 2 counties have 20% or more Black residents.
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Percent of Blacks/African Americans Cohort 1 Indiana Prevention Resource Center 29 counties have 2% or more Black residents; 22, 3% of more; 15, 5% or more; 5, 10% or more. Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%) 2 counties have 20% or more Black residents. County Black or African American Alone (Percent) Black or African American Alone (No) Marion ,025 Lake ,338 St. Joseph12 32,084 Allen ,061 Delaware6.7 7,627 Vigo6 6,178 Wayne5.1 3,470 Tippecanoe3.3 5,190 Monroe3.2 3,931 Porter2.5 4,050 Daviess Greene0.254 Starke0.252
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Percent of Blacks/African Americans Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention Resource Center 29 counties have 2% or more Black residents; 22, 3% of more; 15, 5% or more; 5, 10% or more. Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%) 2 counties have 20% or more Black residents. County Black or African American Alone (Percent) Black or African American Alone (No) LaPorte ,340 Vanderburgh8.6 15,022 Madison8.1 10,615 Howard6.8 5,760 Floyd5.1 3,711 Lawrence Newton0.336 Ripley0.128 Franklin0.134
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Number of Blacks/African Americans (Top 29) 29 counties have more than 600 Black residents; 25 more than 1,000; 20 more than 3,000; 15 more than 5,000; 8 more than 10,000; 4 more than 30,000; etc. Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 RankCountyBlack or African American Alone (Number, est.) Black or African American Alone (Percent, est.) 1Marion227, Lake128, Allen41, St. Joseph32, Vanderburgh15, LaPorte11, Elkhart11, Madison10, Hamilton9, Delaware7, Clark7, Vigo6, Hendricks5, Howard5, Tippecanoe5, Grant4, Porter4, Monroe3, Floyd3, Wayne3, Johnson1, Hancock1, Bartholomew1, Putnam1, Miami1, Sullivan Knox Warrick Gibson Total Black Populations of: Indiana: 565,695 (8.90%)
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Percent Hispanic/Latino Cohort 1 Indiana Prevention Resource Center Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%) Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Number of Hispanics/Latinos Cohort 1 Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, , ,366 61,088 11,221 20,567 1,496 1,329 2,815 16,297 10,640 70, Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%)
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Percent Hispanic/Latino Cohort Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%) Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Number of Hispanics/Latinos Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention Resource Center ,087 3, ,124 1,687 4,575 Total Populations of: US: 304,141,549 Indiana: 6,371,142 Total Hispanic Populations of: US: 46,336,030 (15.24%) Indiana: 317,804 (5.0%) Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Hispanics/Latinos: Percent (2008 est.) Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 1 (2)
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Hispanics/Latinos: Number, 2008 est. Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 1 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort 1 (2) 1, ,366 61,088 11,221 20,567 1,496 1,329 2,815 16,297 10,640 70,
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Hispanics/Latinos: Percent, 2008 est. Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Hispanics/Latinos: Numbers, 2008 est. Strategic Prevention Framework, SIG Cohort 2 Indiana Prevention System: SPF SIG Cohort ,087 3, ,124 1,687 4,575
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Percent of Hispanic/Latinos 19 counties have 4% or more Hispanic/Latino residents; 14 more than 5%; 12 more than 6%; 9 more than 7% (estimates). Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) 5 counties have 10% or more Hispanic/Latino residents (est.) RankCountyHispanic or Latino (Percent, est.) Hispanic or Latino (Number, est.) 1Lake14.370,882 2Elkhart14.228,626 3Clinton13.24,522 4Cass11.24,449 5Noble10.45,009 6Marshall8.84,185 7White7.31,755 8Tippecanoe7.111,221 9Marion761,088 10Kosciusko6.85,223 11Porter6.510,640 12St. Joseph6.116,297 13Allen5.920,567 14Dubois5.12,124 15Jackson4.82,042 16Carroll Jasper4.11,356 18LaPorte4.14,575 19Bartholomew42,997 20Newton Benton Daviess3.61,087 23LaGrange3.51,321 24Adams3.41,162 25Fulton Montgomery3.11,202
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Percent of Hispanic/Latinos Cohort 1 19 counties have 4% or more Hispanic/Latino residents; 14 more than 5%; 12 more than 6%; 9 more than 7% (estimates). Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) 5 counties have 10% or more Hispanic/Latino residents (est.) County Hispanic or Latino (Percent)Hispanic or Latino (No) Lake ,882 Tippecanoe7.1 11,221 Marion7 61,088 Porter6.5 10,640 St. Joseph6.1 16,297 Allen5.9 20,567 Daviess3.6 1,087 Monroe2.3 2,815 Starke Wayne1.9 1,329 Vigo1.3 1,366 Delaware1.3 1,496 Greene1 343
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Percent of Hispanic/Latinos Cohort 2 19 counties have 4% or more Hispanic/Latino residents; 14 more than 5%; 12 more than 6%; 9 more than 7% (estimates). Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) 5 counties have 10% or more Hispanic/Latino residents (est.) County Hispanic or Latino (Percent)Hispanic or Latino (No) LaPorte4.1 4,575 Newton Madison2.3 3,027 Howard2 1,687 Floyd1.5 1,124 Ripley Vanderburgh1.2 2,087 Lawrence Franklin
GIS in Prevention, Custom Report Highest Number of Hispanics 36 counties have more than 1,000 Hispanic/Latino residents 23 more than 2,000; 15 more than 3,000; 10 more than 5,000; and 7 more than 10,000 (estimates). Indiana Prevention Resource Center Claritas ™, 2008 Updates, 2009 Total Hispanic Populations of: Indiana: 317,804 (5.00%) RankCountyHispanic or Latino (Number, est.) Hispanic or Latino (Percent, est.) 1Lake70, Marion61,0887 3Elkhart28, Allen20, St. Joseph16, Tippecanoe11, Porter10, Hamilton7, Kosciusko5, Noble5, LaPorte4, Clinton4, Cass4, Marshall4, Madison3, Bartholomew2, Clark2, Hendricks2, Johnson2, Monroe2, Dubois2, Vanderburgh2, Jackson2,0424.8