The Background EBR was born as initiative by some of the public bodies responsible for company registration and legal publicity, to create the telematic.


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Presentation transcript:

The Background EBR was born as initiative by some of the public bodies responsible for company registration and legal publicity, to create the telematic network between them in order to provide easy and multi-language access to the official company data all over Europe.

The Beginning

Driving Issues  No changes to national systems  Multi-language & Multi-character set  Ease of Integration, Low cost platforms and Independence from vendors

EBR Mission  Provide Official Data only  Single Access Point  Improve Business Transparency across Europe

The Network today

Some figures  14 Information Providers  Registered enterprises  Active companies  12 Languages available

The Basic Service

New features Multi-country search: possibility to search a company over several countries at the same time Online product order, offline delivery: possibility to get annual accounts and/or articles of association Web services for 3rd party distribution (on-going development)

New management rules Set-up of Management team for coordination work, monitoring of partners performance, technical enhancements New agreement and procedures to guarantee more reliable service Ensure professional operation and maintenance

The NEW Service

Company search

List of Companies

Company profile

Company Officials

Official Profile

Launching the New Service 1 st September 2004: Finland (PRH) has opened the new service to their customers October 2004: more countries will open to the market By the end of 2004: all EBR Members will switch from the old to the new system

EBR goals 1/2 Increase the offer of national products, to provide more financial official information Develop “additional services” Establish central distribution

EBR goals 2/2 Make EBR known as the official and reliable source of European Companies Register Information Complete the coverage in Europe

Willing to join the network? Just few requirements: Represent the Official Business Register Provide online access to the BR Database For further information, please contact:

Thank you