Department of Agriculture, Haryana Meeting Award Scheme for Best Performing States
AGRICULTURE AT A GLANCE o Geographical Area (GA)4.42 m ha (1.4% of India) o Cultivable Area (CA)3.75 m ha (86.35% of GA) o Cultivated Area3.57 m ha (95.2 % of CA) o Gross Cropped Area6.50 m ha o Cropping Intensity182% o Irrigated Area 84 % o Under Ground Water 54 % brackish o Farming families15.28 lac o Small farmers 2.94 lac o Marginal farmers7.04 lac o Others 5.30 lac 1 st in Wheat (4,614 kg/ha) and Mustard (1,738 kg/ha) productivity during 2nd Largest contributor to the Central Food-Grains Pool. 3 rd Largest Producer of Wheat. 1 st in Basmati Rice export 2
Food-grain Production YearYieldProduction Increase/Decrease in Production ,39514, ,41515, ,50016, ,38315, ,51016,5851,226 Av. Yield in Kgs./hect. Prod. in ‘000’ tonnes Ever Highest Food-grain Production in Food-grain Production in dipped due to severe drought & terminal heat. 3 3
Area, Yield & Production Wheat YearAreaYieldProduction ,3774,23210, ,4614,15810, ,4624,61411, ,4924,21310, (Tentative) 2,5124,62011,606 Area 000 hectare Av. Yield in Kgs./hect. Prod. in ‘000’ tonnes 4
Yield & Production of Wheat Based on crop cutting experiments S No. District AreaAv. YieldProduction 1 Hisar 2324,6231,073 2 Fatehabad 1885, Sirsa 2845,1301,457 4 Bhiwani 1644, Rohtak 1014, Jhajjar 984, Sonepat 1444, Gurgaon 554, Mewat 744, Palwal 1024, Faridabad 344, Karnal 1714, Panipat 874, Area in ‘000’ Av. Yield in Kgs./hect. Prod. in ‘000’ tonnes 5
Contd. 14 Kurukshetra 1154, Kaithal 1734, Ambala 873, Panchkula 162, Y. Nagar 854, Jind 2144, M. Garh 414, Rewari 474, Total 2,5124,62011,606 Results are based on 93% response of CCE. Ever Highest Wheat Productivity and Production. 100 % Seed Treatment of Certified Seed – The only State in India. 92,000 hectares were affected by Yellow Rust in the State. Fungicide Propiconazole 25% EC supplied on 50% subsidy. 6
Procurement of Wheat & Paddy to YearWheatPaddyTotal in lakh MT Contribution to Central Pool increasing year after year likely to be the highest contributing year. 7
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna YearUnspent Balance Allocation of Funds Availability of Funds Exp.Increase in Allocation % Utilization , , (Released Rs. 3,791 lakh only) 3, , , , , , , , , , , (Rs. in lakh) Status Availability - Rs crore + unspent crore = Rs crore Allocation under sub-schemes – Rs crore. SLSC held on – Project approved for crore. 8
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna Focus Areas A) Agriculture (68.45%) o Soil Health Management. o Under Ground Pipe Line. o Farm Mechanization. o Promotion of Sugar Cane Cultivation. o Seed Treatment. B) Animal Husbandry & Dairying (18.45%) o Reproductive Health Management. o “In Situ” Preservation of Top Quality Murrah Buffaloes. o Modern Technologies in High Tech Dairy Units. o Outsourcing of A.I. services to the J.K. Trust in the State over a period of 5 years. 9
C) Fisheries (0.5%) o Strengthening of Fish Seed Production Infrastructure. D) Horticulture (2.18%) o Front Line Demonstrations of High Value/Hybrid Vegetables. o Use of Solar Panel with Pumps to provide Irrigation facilities. o Promotion of Integrated Post-Harvest Management. o Area Expansion of 50% subsidy on critical inputs. 10
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION CropDistrict WheatBhiwani, Ambala, Gurgaon, Yamunanagar, Rohtak, Jhajjar & Mahendergarh PulsesAll Districts from Kharif
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION YearAllocationUnspent Balance Release of Funds Availability of Funds Exp.Increase in Allocation % Utilization (Rs. in lakh) Audited UCs for , & submitted to GOI. Provisional UCs for submitted to GOI. 12
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION Wheat S No ComponentUnit PhysicalFinancial TargetAch.AllocationExpenditure 1DemonstrationsNo.2, Seed distributionQtl Seed minikitsNo , MicronutrientsHa Gypsum,,12, Zero till Seed drillNo Rotavator,, Multicrop Planter,, Seed Drill,, Sprinkler SetHa Knap sack sprayerNo FFS,, Local InitiativeHa Misc. exp. District Level State Level Total2, , (Rs. in lac) 13
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION Pulses ComponentUnit PhysicalFinancial TargetAch.AllocationExpenditure Purchase of breeder seedQtl Production of foundation seed,, Production of certified seed,, Seed Distribution,, Technology DemonstrationsHa Gypsum,, Micronutrients,, Biofertilizer,, Integrated Pest Management,, PP Chemicals,, Sprinkler sets,, Water carrying pipesMtr Spray PumpsNo (Rs. in lac) 14
Zero Till Seed DrillNo Rotavator,, Multicrop Planter,, Seed Drill,, FFS’’ Training of Ext. Workers,, Misc. Exp Local InitiativeHa.15, Total1,
MACRO MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURE YearUnspent Balance (GOI + State Share) Allocation of funds Release of funds Total Availability of funds ExpIncrease/ decrease in allocation Percentage (%) of Expenditure Awaited (Rs. in lakh) 16
Agriculture Technology Management Agency YearAllocationUnspent Balance Release of Funds Availability of Funds Exp.Increase in Allocation % Utilization (Rs. in lakh) 17
INITIATIVES TAKEN 1. Soil Health Management Haryana Model gaining acceptance in India. Jharkhand, J & K, Maharashtra & HP visited Haryana for the purpose lakh Farming Families issued Soil Health Cards. Remaining 5 lakhs to be issued by March, Village-wise Fertility Maps being prepared. On-line Facilities for collection of Soil Health Cards. SMS Alert service introduced lakh hectares brought under Green Manuring. 35,000 hectares brought under Summer Moong. 18 STLs strengthened for Micro Nutrient Testing out of total 32 STLs. 26 FIRs lodged for Straw Burning and 3,200 Awareness Camps organized. Farm Mechanization being promoted. 18
2. Water Management a) Promotion of UGPL o Saves % of Water o Improves Productivity by 5 % o 50 % of the cost or Rs.60,000 per beneficiary o 45,000 hectares covered during o Rs.45 crore utilized b) Haryana Preservation of Sub-Soil Water Act, 2009 enacted. It prohibits Paddy Nursery before 15 th of May and transplanting before 15 th of June. c) Drip System tried in Sugarcane & Cotton Crop in 500 hectares. d) Year-2011 declared as Water Conservation Year. INITIATIVES TAKEN 19
3. Seed Treatment of Wheat o 100% Seed Treatment of Certified Wheat Seed produced in Haryana. o Entire cost of Fungicides borne by the Govt. o Fungicides on 50% subsidy provided for treatment of farm saved seed. o Rs crore was utilized on Seed Treatment. 4. Control of Yellow Rust o 92,272 ha affected with Yellow Rust. o Timely Identification of infected area. o Awareness campaign launched. o Propiconazole 25% EC provided on 50% subsidy. o Rs lac was utilized. INITIATIVES TAKEN 20
5. Strengthening of Extension System o 143 ADOs recruited o Two Months Mandatory Training to Newly Recruited ADOs. o Alert SMS Services launched. o Krishi Samwad a monthly magazine dedicated to Agriculture INITIATIVES TAKEN 21
SEED REPLACEMENT RATES CROP Wheat Gram Barley Oilseeds Paddy Bajra Cotton (%) SRR increasing year after year 22
Inter-Departmental Coordination SLCC constituted under the Chief Minister. SLSC under Chief Secretary, Haryana. State Fertilizer Committee under Principal Secretary Agriculture with fertilizers suppliers. Monthly Meetings with Hafed to review stocking, distribution & pre-positioning of fertilizers during peak consumption period State Seed Production Committee under Principal Secretary Agriculture to oversee seed arrangement & finalize planning of seed production with State Seed Corpn., NSC, IFFCO, Kribhco & others. Inter-Departmental Working Group under Principal Secretary Agriculture for Line Departments. 23
Prospects of Food-grain Production Special Initiatives 100% Seed Treatment for Wheat, Gram & Bajra. Reclamation of Water Logged & Saline Area. 2 lakh hectares to be brought under UGPL in next 5 years (25 crore). 2 lakh hectares to be brought under Sprinkler in next 5 years (50 crore). High-yielding & Yellow Rust-resistant varieties of wheat to be promoted More area under hybrid rice planned to be covered during the current season 1 lakh hectares planned for Summer Moong Farm Mechanization to be promoted in a big way. Green Manuring to be boosted. 24
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