Nursing Jeopardy Jennifer Fernandez University of St. Mary
Nursing Jeopardy NG tubesCVLsTrachs $25 $50 $100
NG tubes $25 Where should you measure to insert an NG tube? 1.Tip of nose- ear- top of sternum 2.Cheek – ear- nipple line 3.Tip of nose- ear- nipple line 4.Tip of nose- ear- xiphisternum Correct answer= #4
NG tubes $50 Where is the tip of the NG tube supposed to be located if correctly placed? 1.Stomach 2.Duodenum 3.Jujunem 4.Esophagus Correct answer= #1
NG tubes $100 How should NG tube placement be verified according to EBP? 1.Auscultation only 2.Chest x-ray 3.KUB, aspirate contents, ph strips, & auscultation 4.Aspirate contents & ph strips Correct answer= #3
CVLs $25 What should be used to clean the insertion site of CVLs? 1.Alcohol 2.Peroxide 3.Betadine 4.Chlorhexidine gluconate Correct answer= #4
CVLs $50 What PPE should be used during CVL insertion? 1.Gloves 2.Mask and gown 3.Gloves, gown and mask 4.Gloves and mask Correct answer= #3
CVLs $100 What is the number one way to prevent CLABSIs? 1.Proper hand hygiene 2.Use of chlorhexidine gluconate 3.Optimal site location 4.Proper dressing changes and usage Correct answer= #1
Trachs $25 Where is a tracheostomy inserted? 1.Esophagus 2.Trachea 3.Throat 4.Neck Correct answer= #2
Trachs $50 What type of solution should be used when cleaning trachs? 1.Alcohol 2.Betadine 3.Chlorhexidine gluconate 4.½ hydrogen peroxide ½ sterile water Correct answer = #4
Trachs $100 When suctioning patients what solution should be routinely be used to break up mucus? 1.Sterile water 2.Hydrogen peroxide 3.3% saline 4.7% saline Correct answer = #3
References Bonnel, W. E., & Smith, K. V. (2010). Teaching technologies in nursing and the health professions: Beyond simulation and online courses. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. Buysse, V., Winton, P. J., Rous, B. E. T. H., Epstein, D. J., & Lim, C. I. (2012). Evidence based practice. Zero to Three, 32, Clifford, P., Heimall, L., Brittingham, L., & Davis, K. F. (2015). Following the Evidence: Enteral Tube Placement and Verification in Neonates and Young Children. The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing, 29(2), Wilkinson, K. A., Freeth, H., & Martin, I. C. (2015). Are we ‘on the right trach?’ The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death examines tracheostomy care. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 129(03), Mian, A., Russell, C., Honeycutt, M., & Oldridge, C. (2012). Multidisciplinary approach to reduction of central line associated blood stream infections (CLABSI): an institutional experience with collaborative guidelines. The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society, 109(7),