Welcome to Rm 334 Please find a seat. Sign in papers are on the tables. Please put your name and your child’s name in the spaces provided.
Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Lizzie Turley ELA 6 th Grade English
Contact Information *I have a handout with the information by the door as you leave today. Lizzie Turley Thurman White MS Rm 334 (702) Website: my.ccsd.net (Lizzie Turley) Remind.com
Homework Read nightly Worksheets that correlate with lessons will be given once or twice a week.
Classwork Warm ups Weekly practice that are aligned with the Common Core Centers Computer Websites Novel Lessons
Behavior Expected Students are to be on time to class Respect personal space of others Behave in a manner that allows for maximum learning Follow Behavioral Procedures as outlined in the TWA student planner
Parent Expectations Check agenda and homework folder nightly Website: my.ccsd.net (Type in my name – Lizzie Turley Conference requirements Attendance
Teacher Expectations Remind.com Whole group instruction aligned with Common Core Individualized instruction Progress reports
Discipline Procedures Up to two non-verbal warnings Verbal warning Change in location (Written in Behavioral Log) – SIR Contact Parent Counselor's Referral Dean’s Referral
Supplies Each student should have a school binder (at least 3 inches ) with dividers (one being my class ). Color pencils Glue stick and scissors Pencil Pouch Homework Folder Tissues (First Period) *Bag of hard candy (optional)
Special Events/Highlights Homework rewards Scholastic Book Fair School Dances “R” Bucks to be used for whole group and individual.
Reminders Remember to bring in absence notes They are to be dropped off at the attendance office Dress Code Cell phones need to be turned off.
Let’s work together to have a great school year!