REWARD AND REMEDIATION T.H. Bell Junior High Home Base Lesson January 13, 2016
PURPOSE OF R&R Reward and Remediation is a tool for you to improve your grades and knowledge base to become college and career ready. It is not a punishment. It’s an opportunity!
REMEDIATION DIRECTIONS Teachers will hand out grade slips on Monday. If you have any Fs or Ds, YOU must go to one of those teachers and get a remediation ticket for Tuesday or Thursday. Go early because some classes fill up fast. Write your name on the ticket in ink. Take your ticket to your Home Base class and place it in your slot in the R&R pouch.
REMEDIATION DIRECTIONS CONT. Take your ticket with you to your remediation class so the teacher can sign that you attended and worked. Your Remediation teacher will give your ticket back to you at the end of Remediation. You will take it back to Home Base and hand it in to your teacher.
REWARD DIRECTIONS Teachers will hand out grade slips on Monday. Congratulations! You have C or higher grades. Look at the reward menu and go to the teacher to get a ticket for Tuesday or Thursday. Go early because some classes fill up fast. Write your name on the ticket in ink. Take your ticket to your Home Base class and place it in your slot in the R&R pouch.
REWARD DIRECTIONS CONTINUED Take your ticket with you to your Reward class so the teacher can sign that you attended. Participate in the Reward activity and enjoy the activity. Your Reward teacher will give your ticket back to you at the end of R & R. You will take it back to Home Base and hand it in to your teacher.
RESCUE It is your responsibility to get either a remediation or reward ticket. Plan ahead and get a ticket as soon as possible. Choose a couple of different venues in case your first choice is full. DON’T lose it! If you don’t choose, we will choose for you and place you in a Rescue classroom. You will be given a white Rescue ticket during the Rescue Round-up. Hand it in to your rescue teacher.
RESCUE CONTINUED You are expected to have something to work on and be productive during Rescue. Your Rescue teacher will sign the white Rescue ticket to return to your Home Base teacher. Home Base teachers will give you points for turned in R & R tickets.
BENEFITS OF R & R Motivates you to be academically successful. Provides you with time and help to earn good grades. Prepares you for the working world. Helps increase your knowledge foundation. Helps show responsibility and maturity. Helps you feel better about your grades and being successful in school. Freshens breath and whitens teeth (wait, that’s toothpaste).
SUMMARY It’s your choice where you go for Reward & Remediation. Grades of C or higher earn you a reward activity. Failing grades, F and D, earn you remediation. Focus on core classes first, then electives. If you don’t chose a venue, we will choose for you. 9 th grade students who fail a core class will have to make it up in the Apex program at a cost of $35/per quarter credit lost. Good grades and citizenship also mean participating in the No FUN activities.