The Role of MABSTeRS MABS Technical Resource Specialists Training and Accreditation Program Version 08/23/12
What is a MABSTeRS? experienced-microfinance managers and staff resource persons and facilitators Microfinance Basics Course especially for Account Officers MABS Technical Resource Specialists (MABSTeRS) are experienced-microfinance managers and staff of MABS participating banks who are trained as resource persons and facilitators in the conduct of the Microfinance Basics Course especially for Account Officers Version 08/23/12
Why MABSTeRS? continuous education reinforcement of Microfinance best practices Build in-house capacity for continuous education and reinforcement of Microfinance best practices in participating banks. transfer of knowledge and skills Facilitates practice-based training with transfer of knowledge and skills on the MABS Approach. On-site, on-time On-site, on-time and less costly delivery of training Version 08/23/12
Role of MABSTeRS In-house resource person/s Account Officers In-house resource person/s in the training of Account Officers Train new account officers Conduct experienced-based refresher courses for microfinance field staff. Version 08/23/12
MABSTeRS Qualifications Senior Account Officer or higher (MF Supervisor, Branch Manager, or Product Manager) Two (2) years experience in field implementation or supervising or managing other staff in the microfinance unit Preferably, have attended MABS Account Officers Training Course or Supervisory Course or Middle Management Course Preferably, have experienced conducting training. Version 08/23/12
Training & Post Training Process First Phase: Training the Trainers MABSTeRS candidates undergo a 3-day training workshop conducted by MABS technical staff. Workshop activities include: Written diagnostic tests (pre & post training) Discussion of MABS Account Officers Training course materials Assessment of candidates’ communication and presentation skills Version 08/23/12
Training & Accreditation Process Second Phase: Post-Training Application 1.Within 6 months after completing the MABSTeRS Training, participants are required to conduct at least two (2) training events for Account Officers A member of the Senior Management should be present during the training to observe and to critique. Develop a training schedule for one (1) year to be submitted to the Microfinance Head or Senior Management for approval. Version 08/23/12