The Five Kingdoms Animal, Bacteria, Fungus, Plant, and Protist
The Animal Kingdom b Have more than one cell b Cells have a nucleus b Move From Place To Place b Consumers b Digest food b Examples: snail, jellyfish, worm, mosquito, fish, frog, bird, human
The Bacteria Kingdom (Moneran) b Have only one cell b Most Bacteria do not have a nucleus b Most don’t make their own food. b They don’t move. b Examples: salmonella, blue-green algae
The Fungus Kingdom b Can’t move b Doesn’t contain chloroplast b Has many cells b Feeds on living and dead matter b Decomposers – they break down dead matter b Examples: mold, mildew, mushroom, yeast
The Plant Kingdom b 2 main groups Vascular Non-vascular b Plants are food for animals b They contain chloroplast b Make own food b Can’t move b Examples: grass, trees, moss, fern, dandelion
The Protist Kingdom b Single celled b Have a nucleus b Some contain Chloroplasts b Some make own food b Little “creatures” floating in a drop of pond water b Examples: amoeba, diatom, paramecium
Extras Extras b We found out that to live, all animals, plants, fungus, bacteria, and protists must and have to work together.