Accelerator Safety Order Revision Process Frank Kornegay, ORNL SNS Dennie Parzyck, DOE FSO
Accelerator Safety Order revision has been ongoing process since DOE O was based upon a 1980s SLAC Accelerator Guide The term “accelerator facility” has included all elements of an operation. The terms SAD, ARR and USI were established for key accelerator safety program elements. DOE O provided for exemptions, a graded approach, and approval authorities.
In 1998 DOE O was revised and renumbered as DOE Additional exclusions were added to DOE O 420.2: - Non-medical X-ray devices - Low-voltage neutron generators - Facilities where DOE O was applied DOE requirements for hazard classification were eliminated.
DOE O was again revised or renewed in 2001, 2004 and now In 2001, the Order was extended to NNSA facilities as DOE O 420.2A. In 2004, the Order was renewed without technical changes as DOE O 420.2B. Presently, we are undergoing a significant revision to create DOE O 420.2C.
Workshops began in 2004 to consolidate accelerator community. Implementation Guide (DOE G ) was rewritten at the 2004 Workshop at Fermilab ORNL hosted the 2006 Workshop keying on accelerator program management. The 2007 Workshop was hosted by ANL and examined the path forward. TJNAF hosted the 2008 Workshop with formation of the Accelerator Safety Topical Group (ASTG). The BNL 2009 Workshop discussed proposed improvements to the Order.
In 2008, BNL Accelerator Safety Order Implementation Meeting was held. A series of SC Implementation Assessments were proposed for our seven accelerator labs. SC Implementation Review was subsequently performed at Fermilab in March Potential gaps in the Accelerator Safety Order were also discussed at the meeting.
Need for the Accelerator Safety Order was subsequently evaluated in 2009 DOE Senior Managers were evaluating the Order system. The Accelerator Safety Order is “owned” by the Office of Science. Options to delete Order, create one-page summary or revisit Order were evaluated.
SC Accelerator Community was represented from two perspectives Frank Kornegay (SNS at ORNL) was selected to represent Accelerator Operations. Hugh Montgomery (JLAB Director) was selected as a Lab Director representative. Other members of the gap analysis team were drawn from within the DOE community.
“Gap Analysis” determined that the Accelerator Safety Order added value. Three specific focus areas were deemed of significance to include in an Order revision: - Definition of an accelerator. - Description of the facility and systems critical for safety of the facility. - Process and approval authority for facility start-up and restarts.
Results of the “Gap Analysis” have been implemented in Order revision. Accelerator Safety Order revision was incorporated into Workshop planning process. Weekly telephone conferences were held to support Order revision and plan Workshop. Two-day writing session was held in May 2010 at ANL to draft a revision to the Order. This Workshop addresses revision of the Order as well as key technical topics.