Success in Sales for Industrial Products ( บรรยายไทย ) If you are now involving in sales or marketing for industrial products and you have an ambition to grow your business substantially, you should attend to get the benefits from this course. It will take you through the whole process of thinking on how you can grow your sales and at the same time to compare to what you have been doing. Things that you catch up from this course will inspire you to change and help your team and yourself to make a significant improvement in your products or services selling in your own products and area or applications responsibilities.
Course outlines:- Understanding and identifying the potential and the prospects How to select and focus on the prospects and customers How to attract people for business How should a successful sales person think in doing the selling Framework of effective thinking Planning for successful sales What will make you very successful in today business environment
Speaker/Coach: Prasansak Suwanpotipra Previous experiences: - Managing Director at Pascons Co.,Ltd., Director of the Board at Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce, General Manager at Danfoss (Thailand), Managing Director at EAC Technical Marketing, Vice President at Strongpack Plc., General Manager at Keystone Valves He is also a special lecturer at KMITL Graduate International Program
The course fee is Baht 3,500 per person (not included VAT). For reservation and further details including for other in-house program, please contact Khun Puy at Tel , Fax or by at วันที่จัดอบรม 29 มีนาคม 2554 เวลา 9:00- 16:00 น. ณ โรงแรม Bangkok Cha - Da Hotel ( รัชดาภิเษก )