World Religions - What, Where and Why - A Look at the Main Three
Your Thoughts on Religion When you think of religion what words come to mind? Why do people practice religions? Do you think religion is more or less popular than it once was? Explain why?
Religion - For thousands of years religions have shaped faith and belief for millions of people. - Religious beliefs have taken thousands of forms.
Christianity Followers of Jesus Christ The New Testament The Bible Also follow the 10 Commandments Worldwide followers Worship in Churches
Judaism It originated about 4,000 years ago. The people are called Jews or Hebrews One of the first to belief in Monotheism – the idea of a single God. Book - The Old Testament Laws – The Ten Commandments given to Moses. 17 million worldwide Terms : Synagogues, Sabbath, Judaism
Islam Muslim Religion Began in Mecca (Middle East) Mohammed – pg 116 The Qur’an – Their Holy Book The Five Pillars – Look at pg 117,118 Their god is Allah
The Common Link Muslims, Christians and Jews all follow the belief in a single God. This makes them all monotheistic
Comparing Religions The Jewish Covenant and the Islamic Covenant (pg. 116) In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?
Measuring the Impact Create a T-chart on a piece of paper On one side list the pros (benefits) of religion On the other side list the cons (negatives, dangers, consequences) of religion
Final Questions Why do you think Christianity spread so much quicker than the other religions in the Early middle ages? Also answer #6 on pg. 20 in the text