How do you say this number? 150
One hundred and fifty
BUT usually we don’t say it like that. Usually we say: One hundred fifty or One fifty (It isn’t proper English, but it’s common to say it like this.)
How do we say these numbers?
Now practice saying these numbers both ways with your partner
How do you say this year? 2012
Twenty twelve or Two thousand twelve or Two thousand and twelve (not common)
How do you say these years?
Now practice saying these years with your partner
What about this? 1985
1985 Nineteen eighty-five (We say the first two digits as one number and the last two digits as one number.)
How do you say these?
Now practice saying these years with your partner
Now make four sentences with years in the sentence. You and your partner tell each other your sentences. For example: I was born in 1982.