NSSC FY06 Year End Lessons Learned Sandra Wescovich May 14, 2007
The NSSC engaged the Customer Contact Center in processing travel vouchers Vouchers were processed for the amount we had supporting receipts The NSSC allowed early submittal of Extended TDY vouchers The NSSC issued Travel advances to alleviate the financial burden on travelers NSSC implemented split shift for working proposals and stamping vouchers Things That Worked Well
The NSSC contacted Treasury and established after-hour processing The NSSC automated the creation of change requests, and produced the voucher failure report NSSC cross-trained travel employees to allow for staffing flexibility The NSSC collaborated with the Comp Center to complete a detailed plan on processing files from TM to SAP
Complete all adjustments prior to travel cost accrual Determine a cutoff for Centers to submit any WBS changes (before accrual is completed). Communicate the cutoff to the Centers Help desk tickets should be opened and read as soon as possible to determine if the Centers have emergency requests. Unconfirmed DITs will be monitored every day the last month in FY Schedule a quarterly occurrence of COS/ITRA tax reconciliation to alleviate the number of adjustments at payroll year-end Opportunities for Improvement
Send notifications for COS/ITRA vouchers to be submitted earlier (FY & CY) Enhance automated generation of voucher failure status such as a real time query Establish detailed procedures for payments made outside the system (if approved by OCFO) Establish telecoms with individual Centers to address specific issues as needed Establish a process with Centers to ensure funding is available (Extended TDY, Change of Station, Interest) Opportunities for Improvement
The NSSC will pre-draft pertinent examples for what we predict we think might need Establish how issues will be communicated to the Centers with the Competency Center Establish guidelines regarding start-up processing with the Centers and Competency Center Opportunities for Improvement