REVELATION 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE REST OF THE BOOK The first three verses give us two keys to understanding the book: 1) The message is in symbols and 2) It is about things which were shortly to come to pass. They also emphasize that the book is of divine origin (vv. 1-3). The book was written to “the seven churches which are in Asia” (v. 4). All three persons of the Godhead join in the greeting of grace and peace (vv. 4-5). Jesus Christ is the One to whom we are to give glory and dominion (vv. 5-7). Jesus Himself affirms to John His power over all as the eternal One (v. 8). John encourages the churches by reminding them that he shares with them in the tribulation and in the blessings of the kingdom and in the steadfast endurance required (v. 9).
REVELATION 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE REST OF THE BOOK John was “in the Spirit” on the “Lord’s day” when he heard behind him “a loud voice, as of a trumpet” (v. 10). John, inspired by the Holy Spirit, was instructed to write in a book what he saw and send it to the seven churches of Asia Minor (v. 11). When John turned to see who it was that spoke to him, He saw “seven golden lampstands” (v. 12), which he is later told are the seven churches (v. 20). One like “the Son of Man” was seen among the seven golden lampstands (vv ). It is before this awesome One that John falls in fear (v. 17).
REVELATION 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE REST OF THE BOOK Touching him with His powerful hand He tells John not to be afraid because He is the eternal and living God (v. 18). Finally (v. 19), John is told to make a written record of everything which has been revealed to him (1), the present condition of things (2-3) and the things which are to come (4-22). As noted above, the “mystery” of the “seven stars” and “seven lampstands” is made known to John (v. 20).
REVELATION 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE REST OF THE BOOK THE BIG PICTURE: After emphasizing that the things revealed to John are from God and must shortly take place, Jesus is seen in His power and glory among the churches to encourage their faithfulness even when faced with death and to assure them that their enemies will be judged. This message is preserved for us today that we, too, might benefit from it.