Search for Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) in e+e– interaction (review of experimental results) M.N. Achasov International Workshop on e+e– collisions from Phi to Psi
Introduction Fundamental fermionsProcesses with flavor violation udud cscs tbtb Quarks decays e Neutrino oscillations e Never been observed The charged LFV is strongly suppressed in Standard Model (SM) due to small neutrino mass: Observation of LFV process would be a signal of physics beyond SM Estimation, SM + neutrino oscillationsPresent limit, CL=90% Br( →e ) < < 1.2 × Br( → ) < < 4.4 ×10 -8
Processes with LFV ( and ) decays, for example →e eee, → meson (K,B,D, ) decays, for example →e ; → e conversion on nucleuses; e+e− interaction e + e − →e , e + e − →e , e + e − → The diagrams of the e+e– → e process. V denotes vector meson or Z-boson
Some theoretical constraints The limits on the Br(V→e ) and Br(V→ l) were obtained from present experimental bounds on Br( →3e)<10 -12, Br( →ll´l´)<10 -8 and e- conversion data. and decays [1]e- conversion [2] Br( →e ) <4 × Br( →e ) <6 × Br( →e ) <4 × <1× Br(J/ →e ) <4 × Br( →e ) <2 × <4 × Br(Z→e ) <5 × <8 × Br(J/ → l) <6 × Br( → l) <1 × Br(Z→ l) <3 × [1] S.Nussinov, R.D. Peccei and X.M. Zhang, Phys. Rev. D,63, (2000) [2] Thomas Gutsche, Juan C. Helo, Sergey Kovalenko and Valery E. Lyubovitskij. Phys. Rev. D 81, (2010); arXiv: v2 [hep-ph] 16Jun 2011 The most of estimates are below achievable experimental accuracy. The e + e – →ll´ processes are less sensitive to LFV than leptons decays and not expected.
Reasons to search for LFV in e + e – →e , e , processes. Not expected process exists due to some kind of «miracle»; The processes have clear signal in detector and easy for analysis; Such studies demonstrate understanding of detector performance and backgrounds; The collider experiments are rather expensive, so the number of studies should be as much as possible.
Approach to data analysis e+e → ee+e → e Two collinear charged particles with opposite charges electron candidate: produce electromagnetic shower in calorimeter with beam energy, do not hit muon system muon candidate pass through detector like minimal ionizing particle, has beam momentum and hit muon system. e + e → e( electron (muon) candidate decay of with clear signature, for example →e, , , ,a 1
Search for LFV below 2 GeV e + e → e studies at √s=984 – 1060 MeV with SND at VEPP-2M, IL=8.5 pb -1 e < 11 pb CL=90% B( → e ) < 2×10 -6 CL=90% Search for →e and →e in process e + e → e is difficult due to huge e + e → + – background. At VEPP-2000 it is possible to search for e + e → e at 2 GeV (?)
Search for LFV in -charm energy region. J/ →e , e , studies with BES-II at BEPC were based on 58 × 10 6 J/ events. Upper limit, 90% CLCandidates number Estimation from , decays Br(J/ →e ) < 1.1× < Br(J/ →e ), → < 8.3× <10 -9 Br(J/ → ), t→e < 2.0× In experiments with BES-III at BEPC-II ( charm factory) it is expected to have upper limits – Huge data sample is collected at ´, (3770), (4040) also. Super c – factory can provide upper limits – (?).
Search for LFV in bottomonium energy region. CLEO-III (nS)→ , →e n=1,2 and 3 BABAR (nS)→e , → , ± , ± (nS)→ , →e, ± , ± n=2,3 Upper limit, 95% CL (CLEO) Upper limit, 90% CL (BABAR) IL, fb-1 (CLEO) IL,fb-1 (BABAR) Br( S → ) < 6.0 × – 1.1 Br( S →e ) – < 3.2 × Br( S → ) < 14.4 × < 3.3 × Br( S →e ) – < 4.2 × Br( S → ) < 20.3 × < 3.1 × BABAR √s=10.58 GeV, IL=211 fb -1 e + e – → e + –, + –, → –, – + – e <9.2 fb CL=90% <3.8 fb CL=90% Upper limits at Super b-factory can be – (?) Estimation from decays: Br( → l) <10 -4
Search for LFV at LEP e + e − →e , e , , 189<√s<209 GeV (OPAL) OPALL3DELPHIALEPH Estimations from and decays Br(Z→ e ), 10 -6, 95% CL < 1.7< 6< 2.5< 26< – Br(Z→ e ), 10 -6, 95% CL < 9.8< 13< 22.0< 120 < 3 × Br(Z→ ), 10 -6, 95% CL < 17.0< 19< 12.0< 100 Number of Z-bosons, √s, GeVIL, pb -1 e , fb, CL=95% e , fb, CL=95% , fb, CL=95% – –
Conclusion Upper limits on branching ratios of vector mesons and Z- boson to LFV final state. ee ee φ2×10 -6 J/ × ×10 -6 3×10 -6 Z2× × ×10 -6 Experimental upper limits are much higher, then those expected from and LFV decays, except -meson case.