HORRID HENRY’S UNDERPANTS A powerpoint presentation By Tom Coles 28 th May 2013
CHAPTER 1 Horrid Henry gets a late Birthday Present It is pink girly pants He hates them
CHAPTER 2 Horrid Henry overslept He had to rush to school He didn’t realise he was wearing the pink pants!
CHAPTER 3 Horrid Henry is in school He discovers that he is wearing pink pants! He wants to swap them with normal pants
CHAPTER 4 He tries to find a pair of normal pants in the lost property The only pair of pants that were there, were too small!
CHAPTER 5 Horrid Henry tries to swap with his brother Peter His brother says “No!” They start shouting The Head teacher hears them shouting and orders them out! Horrid Henry hides the pants on a ledge in the toilets Horrid Henry leaves without any pants on!!
CHAPTER 6 Horrid Henry has to get changed for P.E. He tells the teacher Miss Battleaxe that he hasn’t got any pants on! His teacher shouts: “Got no pants on!” -The whole class hears her Miss Battleaxe gives him the pink pants she found in the toilets to wear for P.E. Then he screams: