Introduction to World History Section 3 How Archaeologists Study the Past
Vocabulary Artifact Fossil Hominid Paleolithic Age Mesolithic Age Neolithic Age
Question to Ponder: What do Archaeologists do?
I.Archaeologists A.Study the past B.Look for artifacts C.Study fossils II.Early Humans A.Began in Africa B.Australopithecines 1.Hominids million years ago
C.Homo Habilis 1.Used stone tools million years ago D.Homo erectus 1.“upright man” million years ago E.Homo sapiens 1.Large-brained 2.400,000 BC to now
Question to Ponder: What do you know about the Stone Age?
II.Stone Age – 3 phases A.Paleolithic Age 1.Hunters and gatherers 2.Simple stone tools B.Mesolithic Age 1.Fire 2.Language C.Neolithic Age 1.Grow crops 2.Settle in villages
Question to Ponder: Why do we study early human history?