8.30 – 9.00Registration 9.00 – 9.05Housekeeping 9.05 – 9.45Session 1 - Strategic Planning for your Library Budget – Robbie Rentz 9.45 – 10.15Session 2 - Strategic Operational Plans - Jenni king – 10.45Morning Tea – Session 3 - Examples of Resource Centre Annual Reports - Anne Weaver – Session 4 - Resource Centre Annual Report Workshop – Cathy Oxley
Heightening your library’s profile Gaining funds for special projects Defines your role as integral to teaching and learning success
Session 1 - Strategic Planning for your Library Budget – Robbie Rentz
develop a library or resource centre strategic plan which aligns closely to your school’s strategic plan. Your plan points to specific results that are to be achieved and establishes a course of action for achieving them. It brings clarity and agreement on mission and vision and demonstrates to principals that you share common goals. It is a roadmap for success.
So where do you start? Make it look official and professional Identify it with your school Check the format of other school policy documents and strategic plans and match them
Start with an overview which sets the scene and purpose of the plan. But write this last…… Firstly, ……..
get a hold of a copy of your school’s current strategic plan. Take note of the highlighted focus points and strategies then, Decide which you can support through the work of the library services, resources and personnel and make them your priority.
Less is MORE… Focus your efforts in just a couple of areas, rather than spreading yourself too thin. Identify where these focus points fit into your library vision and mission And begin to work them into your annual plans
Distil your focus points into no more than three goals and Develop strategies aligning with the focus points which will fulfil the goals. Prioritise the strategies and distribute them across the yearly annual operational plans, but be prepared to revisit, re-organise and re-prioritise according to yearly budgets.
Create your yearly budget proposals from your Annual Operational plan Include any itemised quotes for special projects stipulating exactly which focus points in the school strategic plan the special projects will support, and which outcomes have a greater chance of being delivered. Include an indexed increase in annual budget proposals to ensure you can accommodate price increases.
Include: ◦ All term library newsletters ◦ Reports ◦ User statistics ◦ Anything that will help your cause.
The first one is the most difficult – so Keep it simple….. Start small, but….. Think big, in terms of vision and align, align, align. Remember – Money Matters but so does your Principal’s support. Good Luck