George A. Doumani Reda Baig
Background Lebanese-American geologist and explorer Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Geological Sciences from University of California Berkeley Master’s Degree in Stratographic Paleontology
Work After completion of graduate work, was hired as a geophysicist for International Geophysical Year IGY was an international project with the aim of researching topics such as: cosmic rays, gravity, oceanography.
Work Dr. Doumani and his party came across the Amundsen Sea They were the first party to see it from land Dr. Doumani would make trips to Antarctica His work for much of that time centered around fossils found in coal beds in the Ohio and Discovery mountain ranges These fossils led to the study of the Continental Drift Theory and Gondwana Land.
Work On another trip Dr. Doumani was working on ancient volcanic activity and discovered the movement of the plates around Mt. Weaver. During this survey, more fossils and a twenty-five foot coal bed were discovered. The use of helicopters in this survey is discussed, as well as other mechanized means of gathering specimens.
Work Dr. Doumani went on to work for the Library of Congress, helping to establish an Antarctic Bibliography through the National Science Foundation. He also involved in Marine Legislation, the Coastal Zone Management Pact, and the Sea Grant College Program. He worked on Science Policy and Funding/Budget in Antarctica as well. In the mid to late 1980s, Dr. Doumani was the director of the Peace Corps in Yemen, where he worked on the development of a pipeline, dedicated in After his return, he became the Director of the Office of Technology Policy for the Department of Energy. Dr. Doumani was working for the Environmental Protection Agency as a consultant on global warming and desert reclamation.
Significance He contributed to the International Geophysical Year in 1958 in Antarctica by discovering Continental Drift. Two Antarctic mountains are named after him: Mount Doumani and Doumani Peak