The Invasion of Nanking Objective: I can evaluate how aggressive Axis expansion and the failure of the League of Nations led to World War II.
2 Context: Japan, 1930 Japan suffered from economic problems. Japan was geographically small. Goals of Japan’s military leaders expand Japan’s empire to gain more raw materials restore Japan’s power in Asia and the world World View of Japan Manchuria Nanking
3 Invasion of China Japan invaded China’s northern region of Manchuria in This area was rich with iron and coal. Japanese soldiers in Manchuria
4 Invasion of Nanking Nanking was China’s capital. Japan invaded Nanking in December Japanese Soldiers entering Nanking
What happened during the invasion of Nanking? Central Historical Question
6 Directions Read textbook A and textbook B excerpts. Then answer questions 1-3. –#1: Identify textbook A and textbook B as a Chinese or Japanese textbook. Explain. 8 Minutes
7 Directions Read Document C Answer Questions 1 and 2. 6 Minutes
8 Directions Complete Nanking: Corroboration Organizer –Compare & contrast Document C with the Japanese textbook –Compare & contrast Document C with the Chinese textbook 10 Minutes
9 Final Discussion With your partner, discuss the following questions. –Why might textbooks from different countries offer different versions of the same historical events? –When confronted with conflicting historical accounts, what is the best way to determine which is more accurate or trustworthy?