Jesus is Practical: Debt and Cash Flow Planning
Debt History::
What does God say about Debt? Deut. 15:1-3 Prov. 11:15 Prov. 22:26-27 Prov. 22:7 Prov. 6:1-5
What are some legal ways you can think of to get out of debt?
Steps to being Debt Free Stop borrowing Get a job/second job Pray Sell stuff
Baby Step 2: Debt Snowball
Cash Flow Planning a.k.a: Budgeting
What would stop you from budgeting?
What does God say about Budgeting? Prov. 13:18 Prov. 5:11-12
Steps to budgeting: Balance your check book Every Dollar has a name on paper All $$ should be planned 1 st according to need [when in debt] After debt – Giving, Saving, Everything else