By: Angelina Acevedo, Theresa Aledo, Lesley Bermeo, and Glenesha Harris
Hillary Clinton Early Childhood: – “Every child deserves the chance to live up to his or her God- given potential.” Children that have the opportunity to start in a high quality Pre-K will have the tools to develop the skills for their tomorrow. – Hillary Clinton believes in investing in early childhood programs such as Head Start and Head Start Child Care by doubling the investments in these programs. K-12 Education: – Considers high quality education a priority for every child in America no matter his/her race or income should have the opportunity at an education. – Wants to improve student outcomes by having more opportunities that highlight each student’s individual skills. – Insure that students with disabilities have the resources and support they need while receiving their education.
Hillary Clinton cont. College: A vision where everyone can afford an education and cost doesn’t hold anyone back. Believes students never have to borrow money to pay for tuition, books, fees, etc. to attend college. Under the New College Compact students will contribute by working ten hours a week, families will make a contribution that is affordable and realistic and the government will invest by providing grants.
Bernie Sanders His main issue in education is college. He wants to make college tuition free and debt free. He believes it is insane that potentially bright students are left out because they can’t afford college, and all the others leave colleges with mountains of debt tormenting them for decades. Bernie has six steps that he says he will take as president to make college debt free (The Sanders Plan): 1.Make tuition free at public colleges and universities 2.Stop the Federal Government from profiting on student loans 3.Cut student loan interest rates from 4.29% to 2.37%. 4.Refinance student loans to today’s low interest rates. 5.Allow students to use need based financial aid and work study to make college debt free. 6.Have this plan fully paid for by imposing a tax on Wall Street Spectators.
Marco Rubio K-12: – Institute School Choice – Create a national School Choice scholarship program. – Ensure parents have the ability to send their children to school. – Get the Federal Government out of K-12 Decision Making – Stop Federal Mandates on standards for states and local education agencies. – Support K-12 Education through virtual learning, home schooling, and blended learning – Push for better learning opportunities for students that have disabilities. Higher Education: – Simplify existing incentives to help students pursue higher education – Equip students and families with information necessary to make informed college decisions. – Reduce burden of student loans debt by establishing automatic income based repayment – Reform outdated accreditation system to accommodate non-traditional education – Invest in student success – Modernize higher education system to fit the 21 st century economy
Donald Trump – Cut Department of Education and Common Core – Common Core is a disaster – Cut the Department of Education way down – School Choice will improve public schools
Ted Cruz Repeal the common core. Get the governement out of the business of dictating eductaional standards. School choice: every child has a right to quality education.