Kim Miller Oregon Department of Education September 26, 2011
Total number of ELLs 62,427 New to ELD program in (1-A) ◦ 11,055 (17.7% of the total) A students exited in the same year (5%) Continued in ELD program (1-B) ◦ 37,277 (59.8% of the total) Re-enrolled in ELD program (1-D) ◦ 91 (.15% of the total) In ELD program, but did not take ELPA (1-E) ◦ 1609 (2.5% of the total)
Waived ELD; took ELPA; not exited (4-N) ◦ 2,525 (4% of the total) Waived ELD services; did not take ELPA (4-O) ◦ 90 (.14% of the total) Found ineligible for ELD services (3-H) ◦ 1,752 students
Served by ELD program and exited (1-C) ◦ 9,515 (15.24% of the total) Not served by ELD and exited (4-N + exit date) ◦ 864 (1.4% of the total) GRAND TOTAL of 10, 379 exited as proficient during the school year. (16.6% of the total)
140 districts reported ELs in ◦ New districts: John Day and Butte Falls 11 Title III consortia for ◦ 5 ESD lead consortia ◦ 6 District lead consortia ◦ 70 districts supported by consortia ◦ 5,115 ELLs supported by Title III consortia 9 districts not participating in Title III (11-12)
LEP Collection (information taken from Schedule of Due Dates) ◦ Opens April 26, 2012 ◦ Closes June 1, 2012 ELPA (information taken from Testing Schedule) ◦ Opens January 11, 2012 ◦ Closes May 10, 2012 ◦ Data for students tested on or after 5/1/12 will be in student staging by 6/15/12.
All ELL student records must be submitted to the collection by June 1, Districts will have the opportunity to exit students, whose ELPA scores where released after the LEP collection close during an editing window. (dates TBD)
If you have questions regarding the LEP collection, please contact: ◦ Kim Miller, Education Specialist ◦ (503) ◦