1 Senate Bill 130 Innovation Schools Act of 2008
2 Overview of SB 130 Allows individual schools, school districts, or multiple district schools (school zone) to apply for Innovation Status. The intent of Innovation status is to provide more autonomy and flexibility to better meet the unique needs of students.
3 Innovation Status Exempts Majority of state statutes that regulate –Areas of school finance & budgeting –Curriculum –Length of school day –Hiring processes –Personnel
4 Innovation Status Does Not Exempt CSAP testing No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB) PERA Customary district funding levels dictated by School Finance Act & categorical funding
5 How SB 130 Works Individual school, group of schools, or school district develop an Innovation Plan and apply to local school board Local school board must review Innovation Plan within 60 days & either approve or reject plan If rejected, a written explanation of rationale must be provided
6 How SB 130 Works Innovation Plan may be resubmitted any time & for unlimited number of times If approved by the local school board, it will submit Innovation Plan to the State Board State Board must review Innovation Plan within 60 days & either approve or reject plan
7 How SB 130 Works If rejected, a written explanation of rationale must be provided Innovation Plan may be resubmitted any time & for unlimited number of times If accepted, district may apply to the State Board for Innovation Status for district, school, or school zone.
8 SB 130 – Caveat Local school boards are to ensure that staff in every school impacted by the Innovation Plan has the chance to participate in the creation of the plan.
9 Innovation Plan Required Components Mission statement & how Innovation Plan would achieve the mission Descriptions of innovations to be implemented List of programs & policies that would be affected Research-based educational program that would be implemented
10 Innovation Plan Required Components Length of school day and year Promotion & graduation policies Assessment plan Proposed budget
11 Innovation Plan Required Components Proposed staffing plan Anticipated student academic improvements Estimated cost savings & increased efficiencies Evidence of consent by majority of administrators, teachers, School Advisory Council (BAAC) Evidence of support by stakeholder groups – students, parents, community members, other school employees
12 Innovation Plan Required Components List of statutes, regulations, & district policies that would need to be waived for plan implementation Provision of current collective bargaining that would need to be waived for plan implementation Coordination of plan implementation among district schools to ensure better results
13 Suggested Innovations Exit exams, end-of-course exams Student portfolios Counseling of students in transition from HS to higher education or workforce
14 Suggested Innovations Measuring student numbers earning HS diploma & CTE certificate simultaneously Teacher recruitment, training, professional development practices Teacher performance evaluations & compensation
15 Waivers of Statute & Regulations If Innovation Plan is approved by the State Board, they must waive all identified statutes & regulations in the Plan except Prohibition of student participation in secret fraternities & sororities PERA CSAP testing NCLB requirements
16 Other Information – Collective Bargaining Conditions for waiving collective bargaining Approval of at least 60% of bargaining unit members employed at Innovation Status schools Accommodation to transfer dissenting bargaining unit members from Innovation Status schools to non-Innovation Status schools
17 Other Information – Review of Innovation Plan Local school board must review the performance at the Innovation Status school every three years to determine if Innovation Plan goals are being met Innovation Plan may be revised with the consent of the majority of administrators, teachers, School Advisory Council (BAAC) employed at the Innovation Status school Local school board may revoke Innovation Status if school performance is inadequate
18 Other Information – Reporting Requirements Beginning March 1, 2010, the State Board of Education and Commissioner of Education must report to the governor, and Colorado Senate and House Education Committees on the Innovation Program. The report must include: Number of districts & schools with Innovation Status Overview of implemented innovations Academic performance of students served Recommendations of legislative changes to Innovation Program
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