Questions from last night’s hw (pg 434 #15-19)
Lesson 6.1 part three
Applications of the Law of Sines
1. A TV antenna sits on a roof. Two 80- foot guide wires are on opposite sides of the antenna. Each wire makes a 28 angle with the ground. How far apart are the wires?
2. From fire tower A, a fire with bearings N70 E is sighted. The same fire is seen from tower B at N46 W. Tower B is 75 miles east of A. How far from tower A is the fire?
3. An A-frame shed is 28 feet wide. If the roof makes a 42 with the base of the shed on the ground, what is the length of the roof from the ground to its peak?
4. The angles of elevation to a plane from two points A and B on level ground are 55 and 72 respectively. A and B are 2.2 miles apart and the plane is east of both points. How far is the plane from point B?
No homework tonight! (Bring your midterm review to class tomorrow)