Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April 23-27 2001 Site Report – R.Gomezel Site Report Roberto Gomezel INFN - Trieste.


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Presentation transcript:

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel Site Report Roberto Gomezel INFN - Trieste

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 2 Outline of Presentation Introduction Environment today Services Network AFS INFN-GRID project Conclusions

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 3 Computing Environment Percentage There have not been great changes in computing environment since last october As commercial unix boxes are getting older, they are replaced by Linux boxes for all main services but AFS file server Backup devices: DLT, AIT and Exabyte Mammoth-2

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 4 Desktop More and more implemented using PCs running Linux Automatic installation using Kickstart Metaframe Citrix or Vmware offer good tools to reduce the need to install Windows OS on PCs for applications generally requested from physicists

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 5 INFN network LAN backbone network mainly based on Gigabit Ethernet –Layer 2 and 3 switching –No layer 4 switching The INFN WAN network is completely integrated into a nation-wide infrastructure providing a backbone connectivity at 155 Mbps called GARR-B (Broad band network service for the Italian Academic and Research community) A 622 Mbps link from Milan to New York is running for both commodity and research traffic to USA and global internet The GARR-B Network is interconnected to the European research network via the TEN155 link but moving to new GEANT connection The next step for the GARR network infrastructure is moving to the GARR-G network (A Gigabit infrastructure based on WDM)

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 6 How we share data today INFN utilizes heavily AFS services to share data and software throughout sites and within local site In spite of the uncertainty about the future of AFS, many sites and experiments keep relying upon AFS to share data because it is a handy and very useful tool for them There is an increasing interest in NAS and SAN architecture in order to rule over the complexity of our local environment and to improve the reliability of data

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 7 WEB, etc. Many sites are moving all main services on Linux boxes, making them independent one from another: –WEB server –Mail gateway –DNS

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 8 Compute Farm Farms have mainly been running on linux systems and their deployment is ever growing So far we have not any farm on NT

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 9 INFN-GRID project An INFN Grid Workshop took place on 9 th -10 th of April in Catania Work-plan divided in 5 packages complementary and in support of DATAGRID project –Globus Toolkit evaluation/integration (INFN-GRID release 1.3): Security and Information Service(GSI), Resource management,data management (Globus FTP) Link: –Workload management WP: –Fabric Management WP: –Testbed WP: –Network WP: –Data management and HEP applications Many LHC experiments involved: ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCB and many people coming from computing services

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Italy LAL - Orsay April Site Report – R.Gomezel 10 Conclusions Computing facilities are moving fast to PCs running Linux A working group has just finished to test Windows 2000 environment; INFN Computing Committee decided not to implement a nation-wide Windows 2000 domain (w2k.infn) Commercial unix is stable but it is diminishing while Linux is getting the better of it Ever-growing role of NAS in many sites connected to Gigabit switch in order to make data available to different platform regardless of the operating system The need of an efficient distributed file system is ever growing. So it is necessary to guarantee its functionality and efficiency. GRID is an important project for INFN All sites deployed or have been deploying Gigabit Ethernet as backbone for their LAN infrastructure, at the same time they are increasing the access bandwidth for WAN