Tier 2 Team Data & Planning November 12 th or 19 th, 2014 Woodruff Career & Technical Center – Warrior Room
Objectives Team Structures Networking Data Documentation Upcoming Assessments Provide team planning/work time
Remember… PBIS is a System An organized set of doctrines, ideas, or principles usually intended to explain the arrangement or working of a systematic whole systematic
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Your Team
Roles Past Items Assigned Responsibilities Status Notes Find this on the website…
Data Monthly Report AND Response
Response to: Data Calendar Communication Successes How? When?
Data Meeting Example – Thomas Jefferson
SHARE...Who Does What??? Agenda/Minutes Multi-tiered Action Plan (MAP) Roles Communication Data
Team Time… (10 min.) How can you improve your team functioning?
Tier 2 Critical Features
10 Critical Features of Tier 2 Interventions 1. Intervention linked directly to school wide expectations and/or academic goals. 2. Intervention continuously available for student participation. 3. Intervention is implemented within 3 school days of determining the student is in need of the intervention 4. Intervention can be modified based on assessment and/or outcome data
Critical Features continued… 5. Intervention includes structured prompts for what to do in relevant situations. 6. Intervention results in students receiving positive and/or corrective feedback from staff. 7. Intervention includes a school-home communication exchange system at least weekly.
Critical Features continued… 8. Orientation process and introduction to materials is provided for students as they begin the intervention. 9. Orientation to and materials provided for staff/sub’s/volunteers who have students using the intervention. Ongoing information shared with staff. 10. Opportunities to practice new skills are provided daily.
PBIS Tier 2: Critical Features Team Activity Is your CICO system aligned with the 10 critical features of effective Tier 2 interventions? Complete the Checklist (5 minutes) Have you increased your implementation since September?
Pinpoint me.vp/page.htm
CICO Data Analysis Process 1 Determine Group Effectiveness 2 Determine Individual Student Response to CICO 3 Make Data Decisions
Overall Goals for CICO Group Effectiveness: 65% or higher For the group to be successful on a given week, 80% of possible points must be earned for 65% of the days of that week. 80% is 4 out of 5 days, however, at a weekly criteria of 80% a student would have to meet the daily criteria 100% on a 4 day week Individual Student Daily Goal: 80% or higher Individual Student Overall Goal: 80% of points earned weekly for 4 consecutive weeks.
Intervention Effectiveness
Group Success Questions… 1. Have 70% or more students within the group responded positively to the intervention? 2. How is the groups’ data trending? Look at the group graph that includes a trend line. Is it angled upwards or downwards, or is it flat?
Determining Group Success Analyze Data Group Success – total opportunities met vs. total opportunities not met Median percentage of success statement Group trend data
Individual Progress Questions 1. Is each student meeting the goal of 80% of possible points for 4 consecutive weeks? 2. How is each student’s data trending? Look at the graph that includes a trend line. Is it angled upwards or downwards, or is it flat?
Individual Progress Analyze: Individual Progress – days per week on/off target Median percentage of success statement (must be filtered for “yes”) Individual trend data
Data to consider: CICO Data Major & Minor Referral Data (Pinpoint) Absence & Tardy Data Suspension Data Qualitative Data Other
Data Decisions - Group If Intervention is EffectiveIf Intervention is Ineffective Continue Problem Solve & Modify
Data Decisions - Individual Student If Intervention is Effective:If Intervention is Ineffective: ContinueModify FadeIntensify Discontinue/Graduate Recycle through Problem Solving Process Reverse Request For Assistance
Documentation of Intervention Can you use your documentation to create a TIMELINE of support?
Tiered Documentation Paperwork Tier 2 Documentation Worksheet Effectiveness of Intervention Integrity Documentation Intervention is provided as it was planned Data In Orange Intervention file
Activity: Your Data (30 min.) Ask Questions - Lots of Questions! & use Pinpoint and your Tier 2 data to find answers
PBIS Assessments
Window Now Open Complete with Tier 2 Team – 1 ENTRY ONLY
Tiered Fidelity Inventory 2.1 Tier 1 and Tier 2 Team Enter 1 Inventory between NOW and November 26th
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Watch your for more information!
Team Time Data Tier 2 Guidebook Team Effectiveness CICO GWIF SAI G Professional Development Communication Reverse Request for Assistance
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ NOTES…NOTES…NOTES…NOTES…NOTES…NOTES…NOTES…NOTES…NOTES…NOTES PBIS TIER 2: Data & Planning November 12 th or 19 th, 2014