CONTENT AREA: TOBACCO MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL Instructional Strategy Presentation: Games and Puzzles Voting/Response Cards Erika Frank
Tobacco Use Content Descriptors Short-term and long-term effects of tobacco use (MS/HS) Influences on tobacco use (MS/HS) Choosing to be tobacco free (MS/HS) Benefits of being tobacco free (MS/HS) Cessation (HS only)
MS and HS TOB Curriculum Sub-Descriptors for short-term and long-term effects of tobacco use (1) 1.1 Addictive effects of nicotine (MS/HS) 1.2 Short-term and long-term effects of tobacco use (MS/HS) 1.3 Harmful effects (MS)/substances (HS) of tobacco smoke 1.4 Risks of different types of tobacco products (MS/HS) 1.5 Effects of tobacco use on the fetus (HS)
MS and HS TOB Curriculum Sub-Descriptors for Influences on tobacco use (2) 2.1 Internal influences (MS/HS) 2.2 Family influences (MS/HS) 2.3 Peer influences (MS/HS) 2.4 Advertising strategies (MS/HS) 2.6 Media influences (MS/HS)
MS and HS TOB Curriculum Sub-Descriptors for choosing to be tobacco free (3) 3.2 Strategies to resist pressure to use (MS/HS) 3.3 Ways to communicate personal attitudes about tobacco use (MS/HS) 3.4 How to advocate for a tobacco free environment (MS/HS) 3.5 Ways to support others to be tobacco free (MS) 3.8 Resources to quit using tobacco products (MS)
MS and HS TOB Curriculum Sub-Descriptors for benefits of being tobacco free (4) 4.1 Long-term and short-term health benefits (MS/HS) 4.2 Social benefits (MS/HS) 4.3 Financial benefits (MS/HS)
HS TOB Curriculum Sub-Descriptors for cessation (5) 5.1 Skills needed for quitting (HS) 5.2 Resources for getting help (HS) 5.4 Barriers to quitting (HS)
Crossword Puzzle
Games and Puzzles Description of the strategy: Reinforces content through game-based activities Offers fun, variety, and competition Especially good for introduction of new concepts, assessment, and review
Method of Using Games and Puzzles Created by either the teacher or students Can be done in groups or individually In a group game, students can select one leader to provide responses or take turns responding Suggestions for use: Appropriate for all grade levels and topics Best administered at the end of a unit for review
Games and Puzzles AdvantagesDisadvantages Communication skills Encourages student participation Team building/Cooperation Must have extremely specific and clear rules Takes time to create Large team games provides opportunity for some students to not participate Examples of Games and Puzzles: Crossword puzzle, word search, Jeopardy, matching, Pictionary, charades
Materials and Management Games and Puzzles (Crossword) Materials Crossword puzzle worksheets and a pencil for each student Management 5-7 minutes to complete crossword puzzle Students work individually at their desk
Voting If you know the answer! If you are unsure of the answer! If you do not know the answer!
Response Cards Agree!Neutral... Disagree.
Voting and Response Cards Description of the strategy: Assess knowledge and understanding or opinions Each individual student is held accountable Informal assessment tools
Method of Using Voting and Response Cards Facilitated by the teacher Students can respond individually or in groups depending on the activity Suggestions for use: Can be used for all topics and grade levels Appropriate as a bell ringer to gauge student knowledge Check for understanding throughout a lesson or during closure
Voting and Response Cards AdvantagesDisadvantages Quick assessment Students are not put on the spot (non- threatening) Can be used for a variety of activities Students may not give valid responses Does not target higher level thinking Minimal application of material
Materials and Management Voting and Response Cards Materials Students need to use one of their thumbs Response cards (green, yellow, red) – each student needs one of each color Key to indicate corresponding responses Management Individual student voting Teacher prompted Students vote from their desk 2-3 minutes