Making Connections to Text October 11, 2010 Book Study: A Framework for Understanding Poverty
Essential Question How can a better understanding of resources and casual vs. formal register help in our classroom/school interactions and therefore, help student achievement?
Reactions to Text When I call your name, come up and write a word or short phrase regarding your reaction to the scenarios. No word/phrase may be used twice…you can use synonymous words/phrases.
World to Text Connections Watch the following video. Your purpose for viewing is to enjoy and reminisce, but for our lesson, focus on the concept of resources. After the clip, we will collaborate in groups and make some connections…
Can you connect? Oh, I remember….
Analyze, apply, summarize, connect… You will have 13 minutes to collaborate and fill in the quadrants on your collaborative connection sheet. At the end, the group reporter will post responses on the connections board. Go!
Movie connections… The Pursuit of Happiness Stand and Deliver
Casual vs. Formal Register Pg How may parent – teacher conferences be more productive for all involved based on the ideas presented?
Students What strategies can be used to help students differentiate between casual and formal register with support, not judgment?
Follow up Activity I will be sending you an URL Open with Mozilla Firefox and submit a “sticky” responding to the prompt. These will be displayed and used as an opening for discussion at the November meeting.
Assignment Read pages Focus Habits and Processes Patterns Future Ramifications Choices P. 85 Coping Strategies
Exit Slips Please complete the tan exit slip on your table and give to me as you exit. Thanks for your attention and have a wonderful afternoon!