AT Consideration Overview of Issues & Solutions
P ROCEDURAL ISSUES … Consideration / Assessment / Evaluation Integration into IEP Implementation & Progress Evaluation Consideration / Assessment / Evaluation Integration into IEP Implementation & Progress Evaluation
How to Consider General Collaborative Problem-Solving Four Procedural Models Considering AT in the IEP General Collaborative Problem-Solving Four Procedural Models Considering AT in the IEP
How to Consider AT Needs Reed & Bowser (1999) suggest that consideration Would constitute a brief discussion lasting at least 1-2 minutes but no more than minutes with the IEP team Potential for confusion between consideration and assessment
“How to Consider” using Collaborative Problem Solving Process 1. Identify problem 2. Formulate several solutions 3. Select solution 4. Implement solution Friend & Cook, 2003 Process 1. Identify problem 2. Formulate several solutions 3. Select solution 4. Implement solution Friend & Cook, 2003 Can be on-going collaborative process for team of regular & special education teacher Can be collaborative process for IEP team But often team has no training or guidelines on to do this
Should result in determination of Positive Instructional Supports Strategies (“no tech procedures) Instructional technology (e.g., mnemonics) Adaptations & accommodations Assistive technology
However, problems remain… Educational teams may require more support to engage in a process of determining positive instructional supports Both the collaborating teachers and the IEP team will need to know when and how to move to the next level of AT consideration Parallel to the need for a functional behavior assessment and behavior plan
“How to Consider” Using an Structured Assessment Framework District should Provide written guidelines describing process and outcomes Establish a minimum set of requirements for documentation of AT Consideration District should Provide written guidelines describing process and outcomes Establish a minimum set of requirements for documentation of AT Consideration
How to Consider: 4 Procedural Models Consideration: A Flowchart of Primary Questions (Chambers 1997) Education Tech Points (Bowser and Reed 1995) Unifying Functional Model (Melichar & Blackhurst 1993) SETT Framework (Zabala 1994) Consideration: A Flowchart of Primary Questions (Chambers 1997) Education Tech Points (Bowser and Reed 1995) Unifying Functional Model (Melichar & Blackhurst 1993) SETT Framework (Zabala 1994)
When to Use a Structured AT Assessment Framework Do not need: When using instructional technology as a general strategy for teaching a specific curriculum content When using low cost, “light tech” devices When making minor modifications to products or devices in current use When continuing using a product or device that is already being successfully used by a student Do not need: When using instructional technology as a general strategy for teaching a specific curriculum content When using low cost, “light tech” devices When making minor modifications to products or devices in current use When continuing using a product or device that is already being successfully used by a student Do need: When educational progress has failed to respond to “positive instructional supports” including (but not limited to) strategies, adaptations, or instructional technology When there is an issue with access to or availability of existing classroom instructional technology When an IEP team specifically requests an AT evaluation at a a case conference When equipment is needed requiring rental Per HILIA AT Evaluation Guidelines
“How to Consider” Using an Assessment Framework Preparation Communicate with Parents Review Team Members Gather Information (Prior to the meeting) Schedule a Meeting Preparation Communicate with Parents Review Team Members Gather Information (Prior to the meeting) Schedule a Meeting Complete form (individuals) SETT Framework – Part I HILIA Guidelines for AT Assessment…
Complete the SETT process Complete Problem Identification Prioritize Goals and Tasks Generate AT Requirements Generate Solutions Select Solutions Complete the SETT process Complete Problem Identification Prioritize Goals and Tasks Generate AT Requirements Generate Solutions Select Solutions Complete form (group) SETT Framework – Part I SETT Framework – Part II
Implementation Develop Implementation Plan Implement the Plan Review Implementation Plan Document in the IEP Maintenance Implementation Develop Implementation Plan Implement the Plan Review Implementation Plan Document in the IEP Maintenance Complete SETT Framework – Part III
A Fifth Procedural Model Considering the Need for AT within the Individualized Educational Program (CTE & TAM, 2005)
WHEN TO CONDUCT AN AT EVALUATION AT Consideration: Assessment v. Evaluation
When to Conduct an AT Evaluation? Is it the time or complexity needed to achieve the outcome? Is it the cost of the technology? Is it the time or complexity needed to achieve the outcome? Is it the cost of the technology? Simple answer: It’s an evaluation when the parent or teacher asks for an evaluation, or More appropriately, when the case conference committee requests an evaluation. What is the difference between assistive technology consideration and evaluation?
How to Conduct an AT Evaluation When an AT evaluation is requested The assessment framework can be used AND All policies, procedures, and timelines for evaluations to insure compliance and FAPE are invoked
How to Monitor Compliance 1. The CCC sends the case conference forms (IEP) with the request to the special education central office where it is entered into the evaluation tracking system. 2. The educational team meets to develop an evaluation plan; the plan is completed, the results reviewed, and a written recommendation is prepared 3. The recommendations are presented at a case conference meeting within the 60-day timeline. 1. The activities, data and recommendations are reviewed and the needed devices or services are determined. 2. These are documented in the IEP as results of the evaluation 1. The CCC sends the case conference forms (IEP) with the request to the special education central office where it is entered into the evaluation tracking system. 2. The educational team meets to develop an evaluation plan; the plan is completed, the results reviewed, and a written recommendation is prepared 3. The recommendations are presented at a case conference meeting within the 60-day timeline. 1. The activities, data and recommendations are reviewed and the needed devices or services are determined. 2. These are documented in the IEP as results of the evaluation
Documenting AT Needs in the IEP Document *In the present levels of performance, the student’s educational progress, data-based needs for the AT, and the effectiveness of any prior AT use *Specific reference to AT within the annual goals and short-term objectives *In the adaptations or accommodations, the specific AT needed * Indicates those areas that should be required when AT devices or services are needed Document *In the present levels of performance, the student’s educational progress, data-based needs for the AT, and the effectiveness of any prior AT use *Specific reference to AT within the annual goals and short-term objectives *In the adaptations or accommodations, the specific AT needed * Indicates those areas that should be required when AT devices or services are needed
Documenting AT Needs in the IEP Document The AT to be used to support state and district testing The special education or related services needed to instruct the student in both the operational and functional the use of the AT *The supplemental supports or services needed to support the student in the general education classroom and to support parents or teachers in the use of the AT * Indicates those areas that should be required when AT devices or services are needed Document The AT to be used to support state and district testing The special education or related services needed to instruct the student in both the operational and functional the use of the AT *The supplemental supports or services needed to support the student in the general education classroom and to support parents or teachers in the use of the AT * Indicates those areas that should be required when AT devices or services are needed
Administrative “messages” Emphasize need for data-based decisions; if not, requests could be returned for additional work Insure staff and parents that if process & documentation establish a need, then AT will be provided FOR A TRIAL PERIOD Emphasize need for implementation plan Emphasize need to evaluate student progress and meet to review progress Emphasize need for data-based decisions; if not, requests could be returned for additional work Insure staff and parents that if process & documentation establish a need, then AT will be provided FOR A TRIAL PERIOD Emphasize need for implementation plan Emphasize need to evaluate student progress and meet to review progress