Figurative Language Is a tool that an author uses to help the reader visualize (or see) what is happening in a story
Idiom-Idioms are sayings that have hidden meanings that don’t mean exactly what is stated You better hold your tongue when your parents are scolding you. The students in room 302 are going bananas.
Can you think of idioms on your own that you have heard before....
Simile-compare something using the words “like” or “as” The groomsmen were dressed like penguins. He’s as slow as a snail. She was as sly as a fox when she snuck in her brother’s room.
Let’s Practice Similes 1. The cat was as _____________ as a ________________ 2. My dad was as ______________ as a ________________ 3. The mattress was like a ______________ 4. My car is like a _____________________
Metaphor-show how two things are not alike in most ways and are similar in one important way. Metaphors are a way to describe something. The “A” that she received on her test was icing on the cake. She is a bear in the morning when she doesn’t have her coffee.
Let’s practice Metaphors I work so hard all day that when I get home I become a couch potato at night. My car is a dinosaur, it is time to get a new one. 1. Kay has great taste in furniture, I’m sure her home is beautiful. The metaphor “great taste” means: a. Kay works in a furniture store b. Kay eats furniture c. Kay knows how to pick out great furniture 2. Jay drives too fast and is a road hog. The metaphor “road hog” means a.Jay drives all over the road. b.Jay eats too much in his car. c.Jay likes to drive. 3. Joe is a giant in his class, towering a foot over his classmates. The metaphor “giant” means a.Joe is short b.Joe is from a fairy tale c.Joe is tall
Read each sentence, and then decide whether the sentence is an example of a metaphor or simile. 1. You were as brave as a lion. __________________ 2. He is as strong as an ox. __________________ 3. You are my sunshine. __________________ 4. Don’t just sit there like a bump on a log. __________________ 5. He is the apple of my eye. __________________ 6. She is a rollercoaster of emotions during the holidays. __________________ 7. She has such a bubbly personality while at work. __________________ 8. John is a real pig when he eats. __________________
Personification-Giving human qualities to inanimate objects (non-human objects) The book screamed out to me to buy it! I can never find anything in my locker because it seems to eat all my books and homework. The moon was smiling down on us while we were in bed.
Identify the examples of personification in the paragraph below. Then you will sketch a picture of what the scene looks like. As I walked along the road, the rain kissed my cheeks as it fell. When it stopped, I could hear the wind as it sang it’s mournful song through the falling leaves. A passing car engine coughed and sputtered as it passed by me. Suspended out the window, a video camera observed the entire scene.
Hyperbole-Is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point.exaggeration It was so hot that my face melted. Barney got a million strikes today while bowling. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
Hyperbole Practice Read each statement and record the meaning of each hyperbole. 1. I could sleep for a year. __________________________ 2. This box weighs a ton. __________________________ 3. I've told you a million times not to exaggerate. __________________________ 4. Your mother is so small she does chin-ups on the curb. _______________________
Proverbs/Adage-Proverbs &Adages are popular sayings which contain advice or state a generally accepted truth. Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched. Where there’s a will, there’s a way Look before you leap.
Proverbs/Adages Complete each proverb/adage in the first column by choosing the correct ending in the 2nd column. Then write a brief description of what the Proverb/Adage means. 1. All that glitters is not _________ 2. Better be safe than _________ 3. The best of friends must _________ 4. All work and no _________ 5. Actions speak louder than ________ words play sorry gold part