Welcome to our School Family! Ms. Oliver, Principal Ms. Nevarez-Solis, Instructional Specialist and Nancy with the News
Our Mission Statement Our school family will provide a high quality education for all children in a safe and caring environment.
Our School Values At Farias Early Childhood Center we: are child centered, love literacy, encourage hands- on mathematics, maintain a positive school environment, advocate parental involvement and are a school family!
Safety is the basis of our rules and procedures 418 students (22 students per classroom)
Students must wear their name badge and carry the school issued backpack daily.
Arrival Procedures Parents …. may walk their children to the classrooms for the first 3 days. Will tell their children that they will be back after school to pick them up. wave and walk away quickly.
What to do!
What NOT to do!
Arrival Procedures on the 4 th day and after… Student may be dropped off starting at 7:45 a.m. Car: Cafeteria drive Front drive Back entrance off of Corwin Walking: There are 2 places to park: spaces out front and grassy area in the back. All students must enter through the front door. You will say good-bye to your child at the front door. Parents will not be allowed down the halls. No parking in the yellow lanes. Unattended cars will be ticketed or towed.
Students Arriving Late After 8:15 a.m., students are considered tardy. You must park your car in one of the 2 designated parking areas. Front parking spaces Grassy area in back – Corwin entrance Walk your child to the reception desk. Wait for an admission slip. Parents will receive a tardy report that will show the number of tardies as of that day.
Instructional Day Gates open at 7:00 a.m. Building opens at 7:45 a.m.. Students are released to the classrooms at 8:00 a.m. Students are considered tardy after 8:15 a.m. Remember – once you register your child in school, you will be responsible for following the compulsory attendance policy.
Instructional Day Attendance is VERY important. Make sure your child is at school on time and here everyday! Goal is 98% Our attendance 94.7% Our school lost $36,054
School Clinic Medications are not to be sent to school in backpacks. Parents must bring medications to the clinic. ALWAYS keep a complete change of clothing appropriate for the season in your child’s cubby. If they bring home a set of soiled clothing, PLEASE send a new set the next day. If your child has had a fever (greater than 100 degrees), keep them home until they have been fever free without the use of fever reducing medications for 24 hours. “Pink eye” (conjunctivitas) is a common, contagious illness in school settings.
School Clinic Head lice is also a contagious condition, very common in elementary schools. It is a good idea to check your child’s hair weekly for head lice and their eggs and treat immediately, removing all eggs, and return to school the next day. When in doubt, whether you should bring your child to school, always bring them to the clinic to be assessed by the nurse. Please inform the nurse of any medical conditions or food allergies that your child may have. Nurse Matthews
Meals Meal Prices Breakfast – No Charge Lunch Full Price - $2.25 Reduced -.40 Free Lunch applications – Everyone is required to complete a lunch application. You must provide a lunch for your child or send him/her lunch money until the application has been processed.
Meals Parents may start having lunch with their children beginning October 1, No more than 2 adults per child.
School Communication Farias backpacks – First backpack is free, replacement backpacks $10 Folders/Binders-notes and information for parents. Connect –Ed phone call outs. School Marquee Newsletters once a month School website –
School Communication Parent Handbook Read handbook carefully. Sign and return confirmation. Once our class has 100% of consents turned in we receive a new book for our classroom library. Handbook contains schedules, discipline procedures, dress code and lots of important information.
School Communication Contact Information Keep phone numbers current. List anyone that is able to pick up your child on the contact form. They must bring in identification. Other elementary siblings or friends will not be allowed to pick up students. Middle school and high school students must have school identification and must be on the list. Safety first ----NO EXCEPTIONS
Volunteers in Public Schools= VIPS We LOVE volunteers! Register on-line to become a volunteer in our school. You must have registered as a volunteer to be a chaperone for field trips or to assist with student events. This process takes a few days, so sign early!
Dismissal Procedures Breathe deeply! STAR Smile Take a deep breath And Relax Expect delays the first few weeks. It is important that everyone follow the procedures to ensure a smooth, safe dismissal of all students.
Dismissal Procedures Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:15. Buses will be parked in the front driveway. Parents may not park in the front yellow no parking lanes. Students are picked up from the classroom. They are walked to the cafeteria. Once the bus arrives, they are walked in a line to the bus with the bus driver and the assistant. Each child is checked off once they are put on the bus.
Dismissal Procedures Car riders will be dismissed at 3:30. Rooms 1-10 will be dismissed through the cafeteria. Rooms will be dismissed through the back driveway. The entrance to the driveway is on Corwin Street. STAY in your cars. You must have your car tags. We have different people dismissing and they may not be able to identify you. If you do not have your car tag, you will be required to go to the front desk and show your driver’s license. Video of dismissal. Cafeteria Drive Back Drive
Dismissal Procedures Walkers will be dismissed after car riders around 3:45. Must have car tags in their hands. Room 1-10 are dismissed in the front entrance. Rooms in the back – by the gardens.
Let’s Have a Great Year!