Money and Possessions
Why does our society have such a fascination with wealth? Society has a fascination of wealth TV Shows TV Shows Clothing Clothing Inventory Inventory What role do money and possessions play in your life?
On Loose-leaf You have just won 2 million dollars from the New York State Lottery. Make a detailed list of the things you will buy and how you spend the money. Write a reflection about how it would make you feel to have this money or these things and why.
Common Attitudes Toward Money Money gives freedom Buy anything we want Buy anything we want Go anywhere we want Go anywhere we want Money brings security Hold on tightly Hold on tightly Fret about it Fret about it Manage it Manage it Money as a way to solve problems Makes everyone happy Makes everyone happy Money as a necessary means We are not possessed by money We are not possessed by money Kept in its place not before other values Kept in its place not before other values
Deciding the role money and possessions will play in our life has a huge impact on the lifestyle we create for ourselves. Tells who we are and what we value
Enough vs. Excess What do we need money for? What are the basic necessities are required for living? Do these same necessities constitutes a dignified life? Survival needs vs. Thrival needs Are people satisfied with simply these needs being taken care of?
Discretionary Income Income over and above what will cover necessities Why do people want a greater discretionary income? Does money buy happiness?
3 Illusions about Money and Possessions
How do we confuse wants with needs? Make a list of the things that you want in your life right now? Put a star by the things you need Put an x by the things you want Take a look at the list of your wants Can these wants ever be satisfied? Can these wants ever be satisfied? Greed can never be satisfied Greed can never be satisfied
Cry for Soul Food Our need and want for more and more comes from our soul needs We need nourishment for our starving spirits Material possessions can never fill the void Only our relationship with God
Questions to Consider Do I equate money or possessions with happiness? Do I harbor the belief that if I only had a certain amount of money or certain things, I would be happy? Do I turn to buying things when I feel restless or unsatisfied?
How do we confuse social image with self worth? Why do people carry Coach purses or wear name brand clothes? Judge ourselves and others by status items If we equate self worth with socially approved consumer items we will always feel less than adequate
Our perception of our own value will depend on exterior things instead of the belief that we are essentially good and worthwhile Created in God’s image and loved by God as we are
Questions to Consider Have I ever told myself, even subconsciously things like, “I’d really be attractive or popular if I had…” Do I judge other people’s value on what they have or how much they spend? Do I get a rush when I buy an item that I know will make me the envy of my friends?
Confusing Spending with Freedom Freedom of choice Deeper meaning: ability to reflect, ponder, question, decide and act responsibly Compulsive spending The credit card trap Gambling
The Christian Approach St. Paul tells us: “We brought nothing into the world, so will take nothing out of it.” “We brought nothing into the world, so will take nothing out of it.” Wealth gives us a false sense of security Only true sense of security is found in God
Freedom from Slavery “No one can serve two masters…” Economic Justice for All: Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy Different kind of freedom then freedom to buy Different kind of freedom then freedom to buy How do we become enslaved by wealth? How do we serve it as a master?
New Attitude Toward Ownership “Whatever belongs to God belongs to all.” What does this mean about personal property? Right to private property is not an absolute right Right to private property is not an absolute right Lent to us by God Lent to us by God Cannot use possessions in ways that hurt others and the world Cannot use possessions in ways that hurt others and the world How do you feel about this notion? Accumulation of wealth and resources by a minority of the world’s population betrays the gift of creation
Christian Attitude Toward Ownership Characterized by Sharing: Fair balance: giving so people can live with dignity Fair balance: giving so people can live with dignity Those who have much do not have too much, those with little do not have too little Those who have much do not have too much, those with little do not have too little Don’t give so much that you despair Don’t give so much that you despair Give freely and cheerfully Give freely and cheerfully When was a time you shared? Why did you share? How did it feel?
Simplicity Live close enough to the limits of resources that we can rely on God’s love for us Having just enough to not push you to either extreme “Live simply so others may simply live.” If you decided to simplify your life how would you do it? What would you give away? What would you give away? What would you keep? What would you keep? What ways could you have fun without spending money? What ways could you have fun without spending money?
Equality All persons in God’s sight No class distinctions between Christians Live by the principle love our neighbors as we love ourselves
Four Guidelines Celebrate the Creators Gift: Life is a gift to be celebrated and cherished not possessed and hoarded Life is a gift to be celebrated and cherished not possessed and hoarded Remain Free Cant be taken in by materialism Cant be taken in by materialism Love ourselves where we are Love ourselves where we are Share Generously and Freely God promises blessings to those who give to neighbors God promises blessings to those who give to neighbors Live Simply Consume only what we need Consume only what we need
Four Guidelines on Ownership Brainstorm specific ways to implement the guideline in the lives of people your age. Shape the ideas for their guideline into ten concrete behaviors for Christian ownership. Each statement should be in a complete sentence.