Business Idea The business idea we propose is to create a lift sharing service in the Brighton region.
Catch-a-lift’s USP’s: Save consumers money High convenience to consumers Encourages social interaction The focus of our corporate social responsibility is to reduce consumer’s carbon footprint.
Our main competitors Public Transport Taxi’s
Why use us? Students- High smart phone ownership Low income Eager to socialise
Research of the Market
Rating System Red: Poor service Amber: Standard Service Green: Good service How do you rate you driver in terms of safety?
If half of UK motorists received a lift one day a week, pollution would be reduced by 10% and congestion by 20%. Government Statistic
Promotion Free local newspapers/ magazines Local radio stations Student Union We also foresee larger companies with a high carbon footprint will want to use our name to re-establish their environmental reputation.
Price £1.99/ download
First year sales Invested = £3,000 Sales Revenue = £6, (through advertising and sales) Total Costs = £8, Trading profit year one = (£1,954.84) We plan to Break even in September of the second year.
Third Year Sales £4000 invested into advertising Sales Revenue = £15, Total Costs = £10, Profit = £ Profit Margin = 0.34%
Why not give it a go?
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