Saint Therese of Lisieux By: 3 Jadyn
Early Years Born in Rue Saint-Blaise, Alençon, in France Born with the name Marie-Françoise-Therese Martin on January 2, 1873 Four of my siblings had already died of Enteritis Both of my parents are Catholic I once wished my mother would die because I wanted her to live in paradise in Heaven with God I was baptized at the basilica of Alençon When I was 4 ½, my father, my two sisters and I all moved to Lisieux in France
This is the monastery I entered when I was fifteen Teen Years When I was fifteen, I entered the Carmel. I was very young when I entered Carmel, so I had to ask the bishop After I asked him, my dad took me to see the Pope; while I was there, I asked him if I could enter Carmel He asked my dad if he would be willing to give me up to Carmel and he said yes; the Pope said he would check with the local priests, and after all that, I was allowed into the Carmel This is the monastery I entered when I was fifteen
Last Years I died of tuberculosis when I was 24 I did not die a martyr, like many of the other saints Tuberculosis was the major thing in my final suffering, but I saw it as the beginning of my spiritual journey My last words were, “My God, I love you!” I died on September 30, 1897 This is my tomb at the Carmel of Lisieux where I first entered Carmel
Fun Facts People call me “Saint Therese of the Little Flower of Jesus” because I was so young when I entered Carmel My feast day is on October 1 I was canonized by Pope Pius XI I have a basilica named after me; my basilica is the second most visited basilica in France "At last my desires were realized, and I cannot describe the deep sweet peace which filled my soul. This peace has remained with me during the eight and a half years of my life here, and has never left me even amid the greatest trials.“ I said after receiving communion on Monday April 9, 1888, the Feast of the Annunciation. This is my basilica in France.
One virtue that I demonstrated is that I never gave up, and you should never give up either. I wanted to become a Carmelite, and I never stopped until I was allowed to enter into Carmel. I also showed faith in God when I was sick; I knew He would help me get through my illness.
Citation of Sources,_Lisieux Saint Therese: The Story of a Soul (play performed at Christ Cathedral)