Are you struggling to do more with less budget? Are you unsure of how much to invest in your training solutions? Do you have trouble convincing your management / stakeholders that training is a viable solution they should invest in? Do SME’s control the content and size of your courses? Do your courses consistently end up much larger ($$) than planned? Do you feel uncomfortable your training solution won’t show a direct impact on business results? GAPS Analysis will help you with these challenges.
1. Start with the business objectives and the GAP in meeting those objectives. 2. Define the job roles most critical to meeting the business objectives. 3. Define the tasks for each critical job role that will most impact the business objectives. 4. Find the differences between how the “Exemplars” and the “Average” perform these tasks. 5. Find out WHY the “Average” don’t perform in the same way (Root Causes). 6. Develop and validate targeted solutions that will overcome the root causes and directly impact business objectives. (Note – study Exemplars for successful solutions)
EXAMPLE XYZ Company is not meeting their sales profit objective. They are $200K below objective.
Jobs with Profit Impact EXAMPLE
5 Compare AVERAGE to EXEMPLAR * Wrong Decisions * Wrong Behaviors * Wrong or no tools * Motivation ? * Right Decisions * Right Behaviors * Right Tools * Motivated!!! I.D. the differences in how they perform the same tasks
Revise selection criteria to choose employees with a better motivational fit. Lobby Manufacturer for credit scoring changes Revise Dealer Work Hours policy Purchase system software upgrade to add the “Quote Feature”. EXAMPLE
In this example GAPS Analysis shows that lack of coaching skill is 35% of the cause for not meeting business objectives. Your training investment in Sales Manager Coaching should cost something less than 35% of the shortfall in the business objective! Your strategy should also include plans to drive the other parts of your organization to FIX the root causes under their purview.
1 Launch/Agree: Validate project expectations Identify primary business objs Identify exemplar & average performers for field research 2 Identify Critical Tasks, Gaps & Root Causes Review tools/processes and build task models Conduct behavioral interviews & shadowing to identify “model” performance Conduct initial analysis of performance gaps, and root causes 3 Validate Gaps Launch & run survey of target job roles Analyze data Produce quantitative results 4 Develop Solutions & Analyze Impact Prioritize gaps & root causes Analyze existing methods/activities Develop and assess solutions 5 Report & Finalize Engagement Performance GAPs Root Causes Solution Impact
For a free analysis of what “Performance Improvement & Training Specialists” can do to help with your GAPS, please contact : Don Brunner