Assessment and Funding Feasibility Resource Development Group May 4, 2007
Assignment Conduct 40+ private sector interviews Depth of understanding and support for economic development agenda Test Target Goal of $500,000 x 5 years Identify Potential Leadership Identify Possible Funding Sources Determine Steps to Implement Campaign
Interview Pool 52 interviews completed 19 of the Top 25 Investors 47 Current GO TOPEKA Investors (63% of current Go Topeka funding) 5 Non-Investors
Proposed 5-Year Budget-$2,500,000 Global Business Development-$1,700,000 Workforce Development-$175,000 Employer Solutions-$175,000 Flexibility Fund-$450,000
Assets Key Findings Strengths Results Based on 52 Interviews
Key Findings Weaknesses Results Based on 52 Interviews
Key Findings General Support for Program of Work
Key Findings Prioritize the Program Elements (Graph reflects a 1-4 point scale with 4 points given to the top priority and 1 point given to the last priority)
Key Findings Is Target Goal Reasonable?
RDG Goal Setting Methodology Top 13 History ----$10k per year or greater Top Number? How Many Drop Off Point Base Broadening Potential
2003Projected 2008 Amount Raised$2,000,000$2,500,000 Number of Investors Top 13 Investors$950,000$1,150,000 Percent of Total48%45% 52 Assessed Investors$1,265,000$1,660,000 Percent of Total63%66% Funding Trend analysis
Private Sector Revenue Potential Guarantee: $2.5 Million $500,000 per year * 5 years
How do we do it? Maximize Current Investor Potential Broaden the Base -From 120 to 150+
Campaign Leadership 3-5 Campaign Co-Chairs Member Steering Committee Kitchen Cabinet Small Working Group Advice, Counsel, Assistance & Oversight
Assessment and Funding Feasibility Resource Development Group May 4, 2007