Confined Space Rescue Level I Technical References: Mod 3
Agencies and Standards OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) : Established October 15, 1993 “Permit Required Confined Spaces” NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety) First edition 1980, Second Edition 1987 “Criteria for a Recommended Standard – Working in Confined Spaces” ANSI (American National Standards Institute) ANSI Z117.1: 1989 “Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces” Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 resulted in regulations imposed on employers to comply with safety and health standards. This act was promulgated by the U.S Department of Labor and gives OSHA the authority to: Investigate Issue citations / safety orders Levy penalties / fines Seek criminal prosecution Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA OSHA guidelines are the framework for NFPA 1006, 1670 and should be utilized as a guideline. Rescue agencies are not immune from OSHA sanctions and or penalties. Violation of recommended guidelines per OSHA, NFPA and NIOSH could result in findings of malfeasance / negligence. Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA training requirements in relation to rescue agencies Agencies must be made aware of confined space hazards Agencies must receive access to comparable permit spaces in order to: Develop rescue plans Practice Rescues Goals Familiarize agencies with potential confined space rescue sites Reduce potential of unfamiliar confined space environments in jurisdiction Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA requirements for Companies with confined spaces Identify potential areas for confined space rescue Apply for and post permits at the confined space sites Prohibit entry of employees into confined space areas unless a permit is posted at the entrance and OSHA precautions have been followed. Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA General Employer Requirements All permit spaces must have danger signs, or other effective means, to designate confined spaces in the workplace Employers who determine that employees will not enter permit space must still take effective measures to prevent employees from entering the space Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA General Employer Requirements Employers whose employees enter a permit space are required to have a written permit-required confined space program Employees must identify and evaluate permit space hazards before making entry Develop and implement procedures/operations/practices directed at safe entry operations Specify acceptable entry conditions Isolate permit space Control atmospheric hazards Establish barriers Verify acceptable conditions throughout the duration of any authorized entry. Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA General Employer Requirements Provide equipment at no cost to employees including the maintenance and ensuring the use of such equipment Evaluate permit space conditions when entry operations are conducted Provide at least one attendant outside the permit space for the duration of operations Designate qualified personnel to execute duties Develop and implement procedures for rescue and emergency services regarding rescuing entrants from permit spaces Confined Space Rescue Level I
OSHA General Employer Requirements Develop and implement a permit system Develop and implement procedures upon conclusion of a entry operation Evaluate entry operations Assess permit required confined space program Confined Space Rescue Level I
Entry Permits Must be completed prior to making entry Should be posted at entry portal Document compliance with regulations Must be signed by entry supervisor Authorize entry to the space Duration of permit must not exceed time required to perform the authorized task Confined Space Rescue Level I
ENTRY PERMIT CONTENT Space to be entered Purpose Date Duration Name of entrants Name of attendants Supervisor Hazards Measures used to: Isolate the space Control / Eliminate hazards Lock/Out Tag/Out Purging Inerting Ventilation / Flushing Entry Conditions Atmospheric Readings Confined Space Rescue Level I
ENTRY PERMIT CONTENT Rescue / Emergency resources Communications procedures Equipment Used PPE Testing Measures used to: Isolate the space Control / Eliminate hazards Lock/Out Tag/Out Purging Inerting Ventilation / Flushing Entry Conditions Atmospheric Readings Confined Space Rescue Level I
Entry Checklist Checklists are a tool that helps rescuers insure they are systematically approaching the rescue sequence in an effective, compliant, and safe manner. Confined Space Rescue Level I
Spaces must be monitored and findings should be cross referenced utilizing NIOSH Guide to Chemical Hazards, facility MSDS sheets, Emergency Response Guidebook or other approved reference guide. Confined Space Rescue Level I
Health (Blue) 4 Danger May be fatal on short exposure. Specialized protective equipment required 3 Warning Corrosive or toxic. Avoid skin contact or inhalation 2 Warning May be harmful if inhaled or absorbed 1 Caution May be irritating 0 No unusual hazard Flammability (Red) 4 Danger Flammable gas or extremely flammable liquid 3 Warning Flammable liquid flash point below 100° F 2 Caution Combustible liquid flash point of 100° to 200° F 1 Combustible if heated 0 Not combustible Reactivity (Yellow) 4 Danger Explosive material at room temperature 3 Danger May be explosive if shocked, heated under confinement or mixed with water 2 Warning Unstable or may react violently if mixed with water 1 Caution May react if heated or mixed with water but not violently 0 Stable Not reactive when mixed with water Special Notice Key (White) W Water Reactive Oxy Oxidizing Agent Confined Space Rescue Level I
Facilities or Vehicles transporting or housing chemicals should have MSDS sheets available to identify hazards. Confined Space Rescue Level I
3 basic sections to the NIOSH Guide Confined Space Rescue Level I
5 basic sections to the ERG Confined Space Rescue Level I
Lethal Dose is expressed as LD50 Single dose that will cause death of 50% of a group of test animals exposed to it by any route other than inhalation Lethal Concentration is expressed as LC50 Median lethal concentration of a hazardous material which is the concentration of a material in air that on the basis of laboratory tests (inhalation) is expected to kill 50 % of a group of test animals when administered in a specific time period Confined Space Rescue Level I
Detection of flammable or toxic atmospheres. Acceptable levels after ventilation are defined as 50% of the level of toxic or flammable substance that would constitute a hazardous atmosphere. Methane 0.5% is considered hazardous, therefore 0.25% would be the acceptable maximum level. Chlorine 0.5 PPM is considered hazardous, therefore 0.25 PPM would be the acceptable maximum level. Confined Space Rescue Level I