Shaping Local HealthWatch Paula Murphy, K&C LINk Coordinator,
Kensington and Chelsea Local Involvement Network (K&C LINk) Patient and Public Involvement Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 850 local residents and representatives Influencing health & social care services
Evolution- build on existing foundations
HealthWatch ‘The establishment of HealthWatch in 2012, to be the champion of patients, people using services, carers and the wider public means that at both a national and local level, all people have the chance to have their say and know that it will count.’ (DH, 2011) Health & Social Care Bill: information and advice to help people access and make choices about services as well as access independent complaints advocacy to support people if they need help to complain about NHS services HealthWatch England: Committee of the CQC acting as a national champion
Local HealthWatch Pathfinder Meet local need Sustainable solutions Support involved organisations Effectively influence Evaluate via Action Learning Set An independent Local HealthWatch
Patient and Public Engagement
GP Commissioning NHS Duty to Involve Patient representative on GP Commissioning Consortia Boards Board meetings held in public Representation at NWL NHS Engagement Strategy Health & Well-Being Board Patient Participation Groups
Analysis of service provision Active involvement in the running of a practice Improved communication with the community Influencing commissioning LINk developing a support framework
Opportunities to Engage LINk - AGM in September Ongoing communication Shaping Local HealthWatch - development programme Mapping information provision & advocacy Commissioning Cycle Health & Well-Being Board
Have Your Say... Patients, Service Users, Community, Representatives, PPGs LINk/Local HealthWatch Health & Well-Being Board GP Commissioning Consortia