All Wales departure checklist audit for interhospital critical care transfers Dr James Williams ST6 Dr D Harvie CT2.


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Presentation transcript:

All Wales departure checklist audit for interhospital critical care transfers Dr James Williams ST6 Dr D Harvie CT2

Background Interhospital transfers in Wales Crit Care 2005 Litenberg et al 100 consecutive transfers Adverse events 1/3 70% avoidable 30% technical problems

Audit aims Audit the availability and use of departure checklists for critical care transfers in Wales High number of transfers Potential for adverse events To improve/maintain patient safety To make transfer easier

Departure check lists should be used to ensure that all the necessary preparations have been completed. (See appendix 5)

Method 1.Initial audit period July – September Phone survey all permanent Welsh intensive cares 15 in Wales 3.Collected data from the Welsh critical care network Transfer sheets 100 consecutive transfers


Discussion 1.Availability of Departure Checklists is poor 2.Used < 50% 3.Much room for improvement 4.Weaknesses

Re-audit December 2012 – March 2013 (4 month)

Conclusion Departure Checklists should be available for use Significant increase in departure checklist availability Marginal increase in there recorded use On-going transfer training by the Welsh CCN is the optimum forum to increase awareness

Thank You With thanks to Raymond Lewis Critical Care Network Data Administrator