Cody Kotelko Biology- Carter Period 3
Environment- Lives in large streams and rivers in New Zealand, mostly found near sluggish sections of fresh water. Can also be found in lakes and swamp-like areas. Basic marine habitat and environment. The New Zealand Lamprey Geotria australis -The New Zealand lamprey, like all lampreys, use sharp sucker-like teeth to grasp onto a host and feed on its blood and juices -The New Zealand lamprey has extremely sharp teeth on its tongue, sharper than any of its regular teeth surrounding the mouth -Adult New Zealand lampreys are about 18 inches in length
Environment- Great Whites can be found in all cold temperate and tropical waters, from 60°N latitude to 60°S latitude. Great Whites are found near seal haul-outs. Can travel across entire ocean basins, supporting the fact that Great Whites live in more water areas than most marine animals. The Great White Shark Carcharodon carcharias 740/great_white_shark/ Video demonstrates the amazing predatory strategy of a Great White Shark. -Great Whites reach lengths of over 6.1 m long and weigh up to 2,268 kg.6.12,268 -Have the ability to maintain parts of the body at temperatures above that of the surrounding water, making them warm- blooded, like mammals -Favorite Food is Seal Favorite Movie is Jaws
Environment- Tarpon are found near shore ocean waters to estuaries and up into freshwater rivers. Habitat extends to a depth of about 98 feet usually Tarpon Megalops Atlanticus -Tarpon can reach sizes up to 8 feet and can weigh up to 280 pounds -The life span of tarpon can be in excess of 50 years -Due to its majestic appearance of size and color, the tarpon is nicknamed "silver king"
While most amphibians have at least a trace of poison in their skins, the tiny poison dart frogs of Central and South America are so toxic that their skin secretions are used by native Indians as poison on the tips of darts. A monkey or bird shot with such a dart is paralyzed almost instantly. Toxins from skin helps prevent bacteria and fungi from forming on their permanently moist skin Blue Poison dart frog, like all other species of poison dart frogs, use their bright colorful skin to scare predators away Collect toxins from bugs they eat The Blue Poison Dart Frog Dendrobates azureus poi.htm Nicknamed “The Jewel of the Forrest.” Environment- Poison-dart frogs thrive in a moist environment with a high humidity level around 80 percent. Live in a rainforest habitat. Can be found near lukewarm pools of water
Environment- Gharials are native to deep, fast-flowing rivers, but prefer calmer areas of these rivers such as river bends. Gharials are adapted for life in perennial rivers, and are perhaps the most aquatic of all crocodilians.. Though they spend most of their time in water, sandy banks are essential for building nests and for basking. Currently inhabit land in India and Nepal The gharial or gavial Gavialis gangeticus -Favorite food is fish. -Gharials are named for the bulbous structure on the tip of the snout in adult males. -Physically long and thin jaw makes it incapable of eating anything big…Favorite saying “Little bites at a time!!!”
Environment- Found in a variety of habitats, most with cliffs for nesting and open areas for foraging. Uses large cities and nests on buildings. One of the most widespread birds, existing on every continent except Antarctica. The Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus v=lnT2joxnkqY -The peregrine may reach speeds of 320 km/h (200 mph) as it drops toward its prey. -Favorite saying. “Caught in the fast lane.” -Favorite song is I believe I can Fly.
Environment- Most wild cheetahs are found in eastern and southwestern Africa, in the grassland areas. The Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus n&um=1&oe=ISO &q=cheetah&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iv# This clip shows just how a cheetah can run so fast!!! Favorite Movie: The Fast and the Furious Favorite Band: The Cheetah Girls -Known to be the fastest land predator reaching speeds up to 70 m.p.h but only for a short period of time