3.1.3 Age Sex Pyramids
Age/Sex Pyramids Show the proportion of the population (or of each sex) at each age level.
Demographer usually plot % or # of male and females in the total population in each of three categories: 1.Pre-reproductive (0-14) 2.Reproductive (15-44) 3.Post-reproductive (45 and up) MaleFemale Ages 0-14Ages 15-44Ages
How does Age Structure Affect Population Growth? Age/Sex Pyramids help demographers determine the potential for future growth of a specific age group as well as that of the total population. The overall shape of the pyramid indicates potential growth. Age structure diagrams not only reveal a population’s growth trends, but can point to future social conditions.
MaleFemale U.S. MaleFemale Congo MaleFemale Germany
Why would a country’s leaders want to know the proportion of the population in different age groups? What difference does the age of the people in a country make? What kinds of products do young people use? Older people? Is it important for a government leader or planner to know the age of population they are serving?
MaleFemale Rapid Growth Guatemala Nigeria Saudi Arabia Ages 0-14Ages 15-44Ages Slow Growth United States Australia Canada MaleFemale
Zero Growth Spain Austria Greece MaleFemale Negative Growth Germany Bulgaria Sweden MaleFemale Ages 0-14Ages 15-44Ages
MaleFemale Population (millions) Age Developing Countries
MaleFemale Population (millions) Age Developed Countries
Age Structure Diagram U.S.