Exploring Microsoft Excel 97 Appendix A: Toolbars Office graphic copyright by Microsoft Corp.
Exploring Excel 97 Appendix A: Toolbars2 Toolbars Overview 4 20 Predefined Toolbars 4 Standard and Formatting are shown by default 4 Other predefined are displayed or hidden at user’s discretion 4 Point to any button on the toolbar and a ScreenTip will appear
Exploring Excel 97 Appendix A: Toolbars3 Excel Toolbars 4 Standard 4 Formatting 4 Auditing 4 Chart 4 Circular Reference 4 Control Toolbox 4 Drawing 4 Exit Design Mode 4 External Data 4 Forms
Exploring Excel 97 Appendix A: Toolbars4 Other Excel Toolbars 4 Full Screen 4 Picture 4 Pivot Table 4 Reviewing 4 Shadow Settings 4 Stop Recording 4 Visual Basic 4 Web 4 WordArt 4 3-D Settings
Exploring Excel 97 Appendix A: Toolbars5 Customizing Toolbars in Excel 4 View Menu, Toolbars command to display, hide, or customize 4 Change size of buttons, suppress Screen tips, display shortcut menus use View, Toolbars, Customize and Options 4 Toolbars can be Docked or Floating