Common Dissertation Issues -from the editor’s perspective
References, References, References! Triple check that the date cited in your paper is the same date as in your reference Make sure all of your references are actually cited within your paper (and vice-versa) Be careful with Refworks and other sites that create references for you
et. al. It isn’t capitalized. Use it AFTER the first time you reference the authors. Use it only if there are 5 or more authors
Appendix You must reference the material in the appendix. (Don’t just add a permission form, for example, to the end if you haven’t referenced in your paper.) Items for the Appendix must be referenced in sequential order (First appendix must be Appendix A within your paper, etc. )
Quotes Make sure quotes are accurate and can be found! (Dr. Rogers may look up the quote to put it in perspective) Make sure you have page #s in the citation of all direct quotes.
Concise Don’t use the author’s entire name, just the last one: Roberts (2007) found that… Don’t write out all of the titles of the articles or sources within your paper. It is enough to cite the source. Others can go to your reference page to find the exact title.
Tables/Figures Create tables by using the table function instead of trying to create them by using underlines and tabs. Introduce the table/figure, show it, then explain it
Get a Grammar Friend! Find someone you trust who can edit for clarity and grammar. Use this person at each stage of your writing. Make changes based on the grammar friend’s suggestions BEFORE you submit to your professor, your chair, or the editor.