Improving Enterprise Service Solutions with IMS Architectures Ray Adensamer Senior Manager, Product Marketing RadiSys Session IMS-03: IMS in the Enterprise January 24 th, 2007
2 Topics Traditional Approaches to Enterprise Service Solutions The Carriers Approach –Adoption of Decomposed Services Architecture The IMS Architecture –Extending service decomposition to any access or device –ATCA platform reuse in IMS Benefits for Enterprise Customers Example IMS Services in the Enterprise Conclusions and Trends
3 Enterprise Voice Services Traditional Challenges Legacy TDM Network Audio Conferencing Server PBXACD Call Recording Voic Speech Services Services delivered as stand-alone “Service Nodes” Each Service Nodes often has their own: –Proprietary architecture –Management systems and service databases –Often tied to a access network subset Resulting characteristics and operational limitations –Multiple systems and databases to manage –Voice only -> complex interworking with IP-based data services –New service introduction – complex and slow IVR
4 What are Carrier’s Doing? Service Decomposition “Service Nodes” decomposed into –Application logic and –Media processing. Application logic executes on off-the-shelf servers. Media processing is shared across many services. Interconnection through open standards-based interfaces. Conferencing Software Messaging Software Class 5 Softswitch Mobility Software Prepaid Software Speech Portal Software Media /Signalling Gateway IP/MPLS Backbone IP Media Server (MRFP) Legacy TDM Networks Common Infrastructure SIP RTP TDM SS7
5 Simplified IMS Architecture Internet 2G Wireless 3G Wireless CableDSLWLANPSTN DSLAMCMTSRNCBSCWAG MRF Access Layer Transport Layer Control Layer Application Layer HSS S-CSCF I-CSCF P-CSCF/ RACS/PDF MRFCMGCF/ SGF IBCF SCIM SGSN/ MGW BAS / A-BGF PDG / GGSN I-BGFIMS- MGW IP Transport Network Application Servers (AS) Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Common Infrastructure
6 Functional Decomposition: Application Servers vs MRFP Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Playing Tones and Announcements Digit Detection and Generation Record and Playback Bridging and Mixing Speech Recognition / Text to Speech Transcoding Application Server (AS) Application Logic Application Signaling Subscriber Web Interface MRFC S-CSCF SIP H.248 / SIP Voice & Video over IP (RTP)
7 IMS Services reusing Multimedia Processing Functions Multimedia Processing Functions of an IP Media Server (MRFP) IMS Services
8 AdvancedTCA (ATCA) Common Reusable Platform ATCA is a hardware platform specification for telecom equipment manufacturers. Enables manufacturers to design plug-compatible equipment and components that work together. Provisionable ATCA Cards for Network Processing, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Data Processing, Switching, Storage etc. Common ATCA Hardware Chassis + + OS and System S/W High Availability Platform Management Security etc. = Reusable Platform Provisionable For Many Telecommunication Applications
9 ATCA in IMS Architectures Reusable ATCA Platforms + Vendor IMS Application Software = Cost-Efficient IMS Deployment Using Common ATCA-based Infrastructure + +
10 IMS Benefits for Enterprise Customers (…and their suppliers) –One Architecture for Any Service Supports Multimedia and Multimodal services –One Architecture for Any Access Technology Abstraction of access technologies allows a single service architecture to support any device. –Rapid Service Introduction Reuse of common infrastructure accelerates adding new service capabilities and features –Maximize Flexibility Mix and match best-of-breed equipment and applications using open standards-based interfaces
11 Real-World Example Carrier Architecture with Decomposed Services
12 Source: IBM. Fortune 500 Company 160+ countries, 1500 locations, 900+ PBX’s in 700+ facilities, 400,000 phones, 450 voic systems, 160 IVR systems, 156 call centers IP network implemented to consolidate, improve management and resiliency, and enable “voice as an on demand application” Infrastructure delivering over 1 Billion conferencing minutes per year (50% savings) and leveraging same infrastructure for IVR and Voic applications as well as fixed/mobile convergence. Real-World Example Enterprise with Decomposed Services
13 MRFP Gateway Cell Phone PSTN Access IMS Internet PRI RTP SIP SIP with MSML Web-based Conferencing & Moderator Control Conferencing Application/Web Server Phone Conference Moderator Phone Internet RTP IP Phone PDA/3G Phone PC SIP Example IMS Application VoIP Conferencing
14 Example IMS Application IP Contact Center PC (could have soft-phone) MRFP (Voice/Video/Speech Packet Processing) TDM to IP Gateway Web Application Server Cell Phone PSTN Access IP Contact Center Infrastructure SS7 + TDM RTP Phone Content Storage (contact recordings, VoiceXML scripts, audio clips, video clips, etc.) IP Access Application Server (ACD, IVR, Conf, etc.) Customer & Service Database HTTP SIP RTP IP Access HTTP RTP SIP HTTP, NFS SIP, VoiceXML, MSML Call Agent PC (with softphone) Supervisor PC (with softphone) Customers Customer Service Agents
15 Conclusions and Trends VoIP in Enterprise is growing –However, “Service Node” architectures are still common The design driver is reuse: –Service decomposition allows many applications to share multimedia processing and control infrastructure –IMS extends service decomposition to any access network –ATCA delivers similar reuse qualities in hardware platforms Benefits include rapid service innovation with lower costs. Carriers are leading the way towards IMS architectures –Expect IMS adoption in Enterprise to accelerate quickly.
16 Thank you RadiSys Promentum ATCA Platforms RadiSys Convedia Media Servers RadiSys is a leader in application-enabling technologies for telecommunication and IMS equipment vendors and their service provider customers Ray Adensamer Senior Manager, Product Marketing RadiSys Incorporated +1 (604)